La Marquise;2584159 a dit :I try to speack english on my twitter but i'm so afraid by my speacking level.
My principal problem in english is my way of reading. I read since my 5years old (i red before my camarade in 6ième) and i read so fast (>_<). When i'm reading in french, i read like a tgv (says my teachers, ahah). And, in english, i don't have the patience to read more (less) slowly.
But my second problem is about gramar and conjuguaison (?). You can repeat, after and after the same code about "do" "did", grammar, etc...i don't "retenir' .
I watch english or american series in english with french subtitles, and i understand "la moitié", but i'm really frustrated to be so sad for learn an another language than french.
(oh god, je sens d'içi que ce que j'ai écris à le niveau d'un cm1, j'ai honte !)
Van Damsel;2587550 a dit :Tu es anglophone d'origine ? (sinon c'est du thème)
Van Damsel;2587592 a dit :Ok, je comprends. Tu fais quel parcours en ce moment ? (oh j'aurais adoré faire arabe en plus)
Hello Brooklyn;2588198 a dit :@La Marquise
The more you practise (with your boyfriend or on Twitter for instance) , the more you get better . It takes time but you'll reach your goal don't worry
Watching series with french subtitles is very good too ! Personally i also search the lyrics of songs i like , and i try to sing (when nobody's home , of course ^^') on the rythm. It allows me to pronounce better . Then I read the translation of the lyrics and by this way, i learn new words or grammar constructions
Jasma;2592495 a dit :I want to ask my teacher if the subject that I've chosen for my research paper is "trop large" or "trop restreint", but I don't know how to say that.
Too large/wide subject?
and too limited/small subject?
thank you for your help!
Ithurielle;2587648 a dit :Russe et Arabe à l'université de Manchester, donc trois langues en un parcours, c'est top-moumoute