MadmoiZelle speaks English

23 Juin 2011
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Bill's girlfriend;2562658 a dit :
Edit: Btw girls, speaking of accents, what does yours sound like in english? ^^

J'ai aucun mérite vu que j'étudie en Angleterre, but generally people don't notice I'm not British when they first meet me, and they don't always believe me when I say I'm French. I'm asked where I'm from in the UK rather than where I'm from in the world, which is definitely a good thing!

Lenn;2564191 a dit :
My english friends told me that I had an American accent ( surely because I watch a LOT of american series lol
), but if I watch an English movie for example, I'll just copy their accent ( last time was with the Misfits series, I started talking like Kelly, then I KNEW I had to stop watching this

Basically I'm a parrot

Watch QI and Spooks to get rid of your American accent (if you want to), other good series to watch are A Bit of Fry and Laurie, anything by the Monty Pythons, and if you're after entertaining shows (not actual series), Don't Tell the Bride, Masterchef, Come Dine With Me, Snog Marry Avoid are all brilliant.
25 Avril 2011
Ithurielle;2565758 a dit :
Watch QI and Spooks to get rid of your American accent (if you want to), other good series to watch are A Bit of Fry and Laurie, anything by the Monty Pythons

Ohh I used to watch them when I was in High School ! :) Thank you, I forgot how funny they were :yawn:

, and if you're after entertaining shows (not actual series), Don't Tell the Bride, Masterchef, Come Dine With Me, Snog Marry Avoid are all brilliant.

Yeah I watch that whenever I go to London ( but I have to admit I like the french version of Come Dine With Me better :) )

Where are you studying in England ? You're lucky ;)
23 Juin 2011
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Lenn;2566062 a dit :
Ohh I used to watch them when I was in High School ! :) Thank you, I forgot how funny they were :yawn:

Yeah I watch that whenever I go to London ( but I have to admit I like the french version of Come Dine With Me better :) )

Where are you studying in England ? You're lucky ;)

But you don't have the voice-over in the French Come Dine With Me! I study at Manchester University, entering final year now, scary times!
17 Avril 2009
4 794
lastgirlstand;2565654 a dit :
Est ce qu'il y aurait une phrase avant par hasard?

C'est la première phrase d'un nouveau paragraphe donc ce qui précède n'est pas vraiment lié à cette partie de la phrase.

Merci Van Damsel, je vais m'appuyer sur ce que tu as proposé! C'est vrai que la tournure des phrases est assez lourde.
En revanche, je n'arrive toujours pas à une traduction satisfaisante de la toute première phrase du texte... "The attacks of the September 11 were many things. Among the most important, we can see now that a decade has passed, is that they were a portal into a phantasmal world, in which the USA has wandered since."
3 Juillet 2009
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Utomlyonnye solntsem;2565067 a dit :
Well I'd say he's just the mumbling champion of world, but what does being a mumbler have to do with chavish talking? I don't really get it. :eh:

We're not saying that because you mumble then you're a chav, it's just that we've only watch him in interviews and yeah, it's pretty difficult to understand him but that girl talked to him in real life and he does talk a bit like a chav. I mean you don't have to mumble to talk like a chav but apparently Carl mumbles AND talks like a chav. Which sucks. But he's absolutely amazing so i forgive him for not knowing how to speak correctly ;)


Glen Coco;2566549 a dit :
We're not saying that because you mumble then you're a chav, it's just that we've only watch him in interviews and yeah, it's pretty difficult to understand him but that girl talked to him in real life and he does talk a bit like a chav. I mean you don't have to mumble to talk like a chav but apparently Carl mumbles AND talks like a chav. Which sucks. But he's absolutely amazing so i forgive him for not knowing how to speak correctly ;)

Yeah but I really believe he does not talk like a chav. He talks any way but chavishly, seriously. I won't let anyone relate him to chavs. :cretin: He even created some band with Tim Burgess, whose very name was The Chavs, and in which he was mocking the chavs. Yes, I'm taking the Barât case quite personally. That's a serious underrated issue indeed. :cretin::cretin:
3 Juillet 2009
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Utomlyonnye solntsem;2566780 a dit :
Yeah but I really believe he does not talk like a chav. He talks any way but chavishly, seriously. I won't let anyone relate him to chavs. :cretin: He even created some band with Tim Burgess, whose very name was The Chavs, and in which he was mocking the chavs. Yes, I'm taking the Barât case quite personally. That's a serious underrated issue indeed. :cretin::cretin:

Yeah i know about The Chavs, btw did they record some songs because i can't find any song from that band :erf: I don't really know what to think about all that stuff, actually, it doesn't bother me that much to know if he talks like a chav or not. I remember when i went to his gig, no one could understand a thing but it was quite a long time ago so i can't say if he talked in a chavish way or not but i remember he was absolutely lovely :chat:

Could someone tell me how to pronounce 'bollocks' ? Is it like bollocks or bollocks ?? (you know the tonic accent or whatever you call it :shifty:)


Glen Coco;2566842 a dit :
Yeah i know about The Chavs, btw did they record some songs because i can't find any song from that band :erf: I don't really know what to think about all that stuff, actually, it doesn't bother me that much to know if he talks like a chav or not. I remember when i went to his gig, no one could understand a thing but it was quite a long time ago so i can't say if he talked in a chavish way or not but i remember he was absolutely lovely :chat:

Could someone tell me how to pronounce 'bollocks' ? Is it like bollocks or bollocks ?? (you know the tonic accent or whatever you call it :shifty:)

No, no official record release from the Chavs. They actually hardly reunited for gigs. Just like a couple times. They kind of dropped the project actually. But it was a sort of a drunken-born one so... :cretin: There are only a couple of tracks - low quality bootleg live songs from these reunions - that are kinda difficult to be found on the Internet. I have 2 songs, I can upload them for you if you I wanna but it's really poor quality. But they are 2 funny covers though! :)
3 Juillet 2009
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Utomlyonnye solntsem;2566948 a dit :
No, no official record release from the Chavs. They actually hardly reunited for gigs. Just like a couple times. They kind of dropped the project actually. But it was a sort of a drunken-born one so... :cretin: There are only a couple of tracks - low quality bootleg live songs from these reunions - that are kinda difficult to be found on the Internet. I have 2 songs, I can upload them for you if you I wanna but it's really poor quality. But they are 2 funny covers though! :)

Haha okay, i tried to find some songs but it's so hard and i didn't find any, i'd like to listen to that 2 covers, is it Carl singing ? Just like you said it's more a drunken-born project than a serious one innit :cretin:


Glen Coco;2566973 a dit :
Haha okay, i tried to find some songs but it's so hard and i didn't find any, i'd like to listen to that 2 covers, is it Carl singing ? Just like you said it's more a drunken-born project than a serious one innit :cretin:

It's both Tim & Carl singing (with the bawling crowd at the backing vox :cretin:). There is a Pogues cover ('Fairy Tale Of New York'), and 'Antmusic' by Adam & the Ants. This one is the funniest, they both dressed up as Adam Ants, with the painting on their cheeks and all that stuff. I think you can find videos. I'll do the uploading work tomorrow!

BTW: BOLLOCKSSS :cretin: ;)
23 Juin 2011
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Glen Coco;2566842 a dit :
Yeah i know about The Chavs, btw did they record some songs because i can't find any song from that band :erf: I don't really know what to think about all that stuff, actually, it doesn't bother me that much to know if he talks like a chav or not. I remember when i went to his gig, no one could understand a thing but it was quite a long time ago so i can't say if he talked in a chavish way or not but i remember he was absolutely lovely :chat:

Could someone tell me how to pronounce 'bollocks' ? Is it like bollocks or bollocks ?? (you know the tonic accent or whatever you call it :shifty:)

"Bollocks" takes the stress on the first syllable, so "bollocks" :)
23 Juin 2011
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AndTheBeatGoesOn;2567346 a dit :
Il y a quelques années j'ai bossé dans un pub, et une cliente anglophone me demandait "a soda". Quand je lui demandais "quel soda ?" elle me répondait toujours "a soda". Pour moi un soda c'est juste un truc avec des bulles, mais j'ai eu l'impression qu'un soda pour elle c'était vraiment quelque chose de précis.
Au final je l'ai abandonnée à ma collègue irlandaise et j'ai été m'occuper d'autres clients, mais du coup je me suis toujours demandée si il y avait bien une différence entre ce que c'est pour nous et ce que c'est pour un anglais/américain.
Quelqu'un a la réponse ? ^^

Du côté anglais, pas que je sache, en général ils précisent quel soda ils veulent. Peut-être qu'elle se fichait de quel sorte de soda ça pouvait être ? Ou bien c'était peut-être un nom pour un soda en particulier, peut-être du Schweppes ou un truc genre root beer (apparement, ça s'appelle racinette, en français. Encore un coup des québécois, ça?)

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