MadmoiZelle speaks English

4 Janvier 2012
1 249
5 194
Bathilda Fritton;3152277 a dit :
I don't know any website but luckily most of my friends are canadian and they would like to improve their french so maybe I can talk to them about you and you can sort something out? Would you be interested in that. They're all from Ontario, British Columbia, Alberta or Saskatchewan (provinces of Canada)

I'd be very interested too. :cretin:
27 Août 2009
2 050
4 044
Bathilda Fritton;3156358 a dit :
Yoyo guys.
Actually a lot more than 2 of my friends were interested in having french penpals. Would anyone else than Pimpanela and Shatzy Shell be interested in having a Canadian pen friend? All my canadian friends are awesome. The finest of the finest. So if I were you I would definitely have them as pen friends haha :)

Oh I didn't wanted to bother you, but if you suggest, I'd love to have a Canadian pen friend :d So I am definitely in!!
20 Avril 2012
1 074
Bathilda Fritton;3156358 a dit :
Yoyo guys.
Actually a lot more than 2 of my friends were interested in having french penpals. Would anyone else than Pimpanela and Shatzy Shell be interested in having a Canadian pen friend? All my canadian friends are awesome. The finest of the finest. So if I were you I would definitely have them as pen friends haha :)


I just discovered this topic, and I really need to improve my english, and I would be very happy to have a pen friend ^^

please contact me by private message
(I may not respond very quickly because I'm new in Madmoizelle)
14 Juillet 2010
3 874
Bathilda Fritton;3156358 a dit :
Yoyo guys.
Actually a lot more than 2 of my friends were interested in having french penpals. Would anyone else than Pimpanela and Shatzy Shell be interested in having a Canadian pen friend? All my canadian friends are awesome. The finest of the finest. So if I were you I would definitely have them as pen friends haha :)

I'm totally in too :chat:
I hope it was not a short time offer! (anyway it's really nice of you...)

(BTW, I hate you for quoting Pocketful Of Sunshine's lyrics on The Hunger Games' topic, I'll have the song in my head for my entire life :facepalm: )

18 Septembre 2011
1 479
1 986
2 144
Vanities;3181595 a dit :
Do you know an another newspaper better than Newsweek ? Thanks :)

Here are the news websites I read regularly:
- Huffington Post (every day): I have to admit I use it more as a magazine than as a news source. They usually have a lot of articles on various topics.
- New York Times (several times a week)
- The Guardian (several times a week)
- The Economist (less than once a week): it's actually to keep a "balanced" view on the world since most of the websites I go to are left wing.
- Slate, Salon: sometimes !

Other than that, I have a lot of other websites I go to regularly:
- Cracked, because it's fun !
- gossip websites like ONTD
- girly websites: Hello Giggles, Hercampus, Life2pointoh...

I hope this list helps anyone who wants to read in English !
14 Juillet 2010
3 874
Bathilda Fritton;3183742 a dit :
Unfortunately yes 4 of my friends were interested in this operation and other girls from the topic already started talking to them :sad: But if you're really interested I also have quite a few british friends (mostly from London) so I can always ask them as well

Don't worry :supermad:
(I'll take it as a sort of divine message telling me something like "you should finally start working instead of spending/losing your time on the internet all day long, you lazy")


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