MadmoiZelle speaks English


Ancien membre

I've a question for my oral test of English tomorrow (I don't want to goooooo :sad: ) :

I'll have a text and I'll should comment it : if I want to say "il est dit dans le texte...", can I say "it's said" ? Is it grammatically correct ?

Thanks !

Edit ; or just "it says" ?
8 Mai 2012
2 272
1 570
La Gadji;3221536 a dit :
I've a question for my oral test of English tomorrow (I don't want to goooooo :sad: ) :

I'll have a text and I'll should comment it : if I want to say "il est dit dans le texte...", can I say "it's said" ? Is it grammatically correct ?

Thanks !

Edit ; or just "it says" ?

I think it's better to say "it says" or "according to this text"
19 Février 2011
3 064
Bathilda Fritton;3183742 a dit :
Unfortunately yes 4 of my friends were interested in this operation and other girls from the topic already started talking to them :sad: But if you're really interested I also have quite a few british friends (mostly from London) so I can always ask them as well

If you still have some english speaker friends, I would love to talk to them :)
15 Septembre 2009
7 774
6 317
5 894
Cyanea;3189459 a dit :

I need some information... I'd like to sit the IELTS exam by the end of June.
Even if I'm talking english for 8 months now, I'm still a little bit worried. Obviously not because I could fail it (because you can't... haha.), but I'd like to get the highest mark. That would be such a shame for me to have only an average mark as a 6 out of 9 (I'm really competitive, even with myself :facepalm:)

Are there some girls over here who already sat it ? Is it hard, or fine?

I had to take the IELTS test to study abroad for a year, and it wasn't really that hard. If you've been speaking English for some time now it shouldn't be a problem for you to get a good mark.
I got 7.5 with a good level but a huge lack of vocabulary and my speaking wasn't fluent to me. I got good marks for my essays but I had trouble finding my words in a conversation. I get it now that I spent a year in England, and if I had to take it again I should do even better. My boyfriend is taking it today and I saw him preparing for it. It seems much easier than I thought the first time.
I'd advise you to focus on the methodology, train yourself doing past tests (I think there are some of them on the British Council website) and prepare the speaking. They are often asking weird questions like "what's your favourite colour and why?" or "Do you think it's important to make people laugh?". Basically they just want you to speak, they don't really care about your answer as long as you have something to say and your English is alright.
27 Août 2009
2 050
4 044
Wanda-;3284330 a dit :
Hi girls ! I would like speak english better than now because I would like go in England soon... And I don't practice english since 4 or 5 years ! I lost so much vocabulary and grammar (in fact I lost ALL I learn(?)).

Like you can see it's a disaster !! :sweatdrop:

I have to suggest you to participate in the English discussion workshops! The last one is here, it will allow you to discuss and widen your vocabulary :)
9 Juillet 2011
Oh well! This topic is so nice, why didn't I see it earlier?

I will stick around if you don't mind :)

I had the chance to live one year in London when I was student. Now I live in Toulouse in France, and I don't find really often people to speak English with... so I am quietly losing all my vocabulary.

I will have a look at the workshop too :)


Hi, every one, I like learning foreign language. I am very happy to find this topic. I will join you I think!
1 Septembre 2010
2 204
Arthema;3292231 a dit :
I had the chance to live one year in London when I was student. Now I live in Toulouse in France, and I don't find really often people to speak English with... so I am quietly losing all my vocabulary.

I am living in Morocco. Tell me about vocabulary loss and not so many people to speak english with! I think I win ! ;)
23 Juillet 2010
1 057
1 344
I really want to go back to France for at least two weeks, I just wanna feel the sun on my skin :stare:. Unfortunately that's unlikely I'll go back to France because I've got so many things to sort out here, that's rubbish.. I like it here but the weather has been so bad lately, and I've been unlucky actually 'cause I've been told it's an unusual weather for the summer, it's usually quite warm although not as hot as in France. Anyway, tonight I'm gonna party and play casino, may the luck be with me (It's actually "may the fourth be with me" but who cares :)).
23 Juin 2011
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1 174
Classification and results on Wednesday and I'm shitting it. My lecturer today (we were working at an open day) mentioned the fact that there was a couple of 2:2 and I have a dreadful feeling I'll be getting one of those. If I do, it'd mean a world of troubles to get onto a masters degree as most universities want at least a 2:1 (and same for employers). I'm really disappointed, I wasn't expecting translation to fuck me over that badly.
23 Juin 2011
1 759
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1 174
Lison Frisson;3317084 a dit :
@Ithurielle aaw, don't worry, wait with a tea :calin:
btw could you explain me those "2:2" & "2:1" ? I've seen that kind of things a couple of times without being able to get it...

We don't get grades out of 20, rather percentages. For each percentage you achieve there is a corresponding classification, as follow:

Below 40% : Fail
40-49% : 3rd
50-59% : 2:2 (lower second class)
60-69% : 2:1 (upper second class)
70%+ : 1st

You could probably try to compare them to French classifications, but because the degrees work differently in France and England, I'm not too sure how accurate they'd be.

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