MadmoiZelle speaks English

17 Septembre 2010
7 892
5 501
3 384
Double post, sorry!
She answered to me, in french! She seems soooo sweet, I can't wait to meet her :)
25 Avril 2010
2 800
5 656
5 184
Hi! I've just decided to join you! I went in England to improve my English and now, I don't want to loose it . So , if you want me, I'm in the topic:)
26 Août 2006
4 724
Hey Girls ! I'm a newbie on this topic !
I really need practise my english (and my spanish i'm studying both langagues), so i think i wll spot a lot or at least for the moment.
Hi everybody !
I'm joining this topic for two main reasons :
- this year I'm in an association called Worldtop to welcome Erasmus students in Clermont-Ferrand and I think it'll be great.
As @Lord Tubbington I've came here to share this experience :cheer:

- I love speaking English and my aim is to become bilingual in order to live in London or Liverpool next year <3
25 Avril 2011
I'm a bit disappointed, I really wanted to help the new Erasmus students, but it seems i really can't find the time this year. So annoying, I don't have much free time, and when I do, i'll have to start my master and stuff like that.
1 Avril 2007
5 024
Hi everybody !

I must write a cover letter in English and I think I did many mistakes, so if you could correct it, it would be cool !

Dear Mr. Meyer,

Student in Biology and more precisely in Cancerology, I would like to fill the position of Research Assistant advertised on website. Indeed, since four years I study cancerology and cellular biology, and I want to apply knowledge which I learned during my studies. That's why your advertisement getted my attention.

I am particularly interested in this job, as I'm very interested about cancerology and I'm knowledgeable about it. And thus I would have the opportunity to combine my interests with this placement. My professional skills appear to be well suited to your company's requirements.

Thanks to my Higher National Diploma in Biology, I have hands-on laboratory skills, so I could be autonome and I will able to bring to a successful conclusion ce que vous pourriez me proposer. I agree that a team spirit and strong work ethic are vital for success, and I believe I can bring these qualities to your company. Besides, I would like to developpe communication strenghts and dynamism. I have a working knowledge of English, but I am looking to improve in this when I will be in England. Even when working at high speed, I do not neglect accuracy and would therefore be particularly suitable for the demands of working as Research Assistant.

I am highly motivated and look forward to the varied work which a position in your company would offer me. I would welcome the opportunity to discuss further details of the position with you personally.

Yours faithfully,
2 Juillet 2010
4 679
I can't pretend I speak a perfect english, but here are a few mistakes I've noticed :

helline;3587066 a dit :
Hi everybody !

Dear Mr. Meyer,

Student in Biology and more precisely in Cancerology (=sounds too french, maybe "As a student ... but I'm not sure), I would like to fill (I would have used "to apply for") the position of Research Assistant advertised on website. Indeed, I study (I think it's "I have studied") cancerology and cellular biology for four years and I want to apply knowledge I have acquired during my studies. That's why your advertisement attracted my attention.

I am particularly interested in this job, as I'm very interested in cancerology and I'm knowledgeable about it. And thus (Someone told me not to start a sentence with a word like "And" once, but sometimes anglophones do it. Here it's a formal thing you got to do, so I don't know...) I would have the opportunity to combine my interests with this placement. My professional skills appear to be well suited to your company's requirements.

Thanks to my Higher National Diploma in Biology, I have hands-on laboratory skills, so I could be autonomous and I would be able to find out everything about what you would suggest me to work on (just a suggestion). I agree that a team spirit and strong work ethic are vital for success and I believe I can bring these qualities to your company. Besides, I would like to develop communication strenghts and dynamism. I have a working knowledge of English but I am looking to improve this when I am in England. I do not neglect accuracy and therefore would be particularly suitable for the demands of working as Research Assistant even when working at high speed.

I am highly motivated and look forward to the varied work which a position in your company would offer me. I would welcome the opportunity to discuss further details of the position with you personally.

Yours faithfully,
2 Juillet 2010
4 679
Me again, sorry!

Hi every one! I'd love to join you ladies. I'm back from eight months of Aussie life and I miss it soooo bad. I miss speaking english. I'm just about to speak english to the cashier. HELP ME

It seems that nobody's stalking this subject, come on girls!

17 Septembre 2010
7 892
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3 384
Thank you guys for your advice!
Actually @Catimini-mini boop really helped me with that, but when I have to send a text or an email in French and in English, I usually write the English version first, because I know that I'll do a lot of digressions in French.
But I can't totally agree with you @Timboy when you say that translating your French sentences in English is harder than the opposite... But maybe that's why I'm doing so much better in my Theme lessons than in Version haha (or maybe is it because of this gorgeous Californian teacher ... :shifty: )

@Lison Frisson cheum is the Canandian word for bofriend, but I thought it was only a French-Canadian word? And I thought it was "chum"... Cause "cheum" is more like "ugly" to me :yawn:
2 Juillet 2010
4 679
Timboy;3629673 a dit :
hey where were you in australia? thats so cool, have you picked on the aussie accent? ahah its just the worst i have so much trouble understanding it its getting better cos i love watching summer heights high (BEST.SHOW.EVARRR.) and ive met this guy this summer who was from adelaide but was like half british so his accent was actually not so bad but man its hard to understand them ahah!

I was in Melbourne/Victoria for 2 months, doing nothing except drinking beers and having fun (was pretty cool yay) but thats when i was a rich girl, then i moved to Queensland where i worked on a bananas farm (was awesome). Once ive saved enough dollars, i went down the east coast til Brisbane, then rode into Adelaide and crossed the desert - basically ive travelled the country.
(sorry im still really bad at tenses)
Their accent is hilarious, but not so terrible in big cities (Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Adelaide). When you're in the outback, it seems like they all are stupid ducks speaking to you (thats just how they sound, poor 'em). I think theres a lot of worst accent (scottish people i'm talking to you) tho. Or maybe i just got used to it...
Anyway, i still sound dannish when i speak english (everytime someone said that to me i was like wtf??? probably its just cos im blond and i dont really have the big strong accent frenchies are supposed to talk with)


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