MadmoiZelle speaks English

21 Septembre 2009
10 124
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8 544
Roonil Wazlib;3660080 a dit :
How would you translate the part in bold?

I understood it this way : when the retired officers appeared, they stole all the attention from the audience and no one was listening to the speech. I read it this way because of the word "show", that makes me think that their appearance was almost a gig in itself... But like Catimini-mini Boop , even if my version is very different, I'm not sure at all ! If you still wonder about the meaning of this sentence I recommend you to ask people from Wordreference's forums, they're usually very helpful !
8 Avril 2012
1 246
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1 654
Marine Hawley;3668475 a dit :
I understood it this way : when the retired officers appeared, they stole all the attention from the audience and no one was listening to the speech. I read it this way because of the word "show", that makes me think that their apperance was almost a gig in itself... But like @Catimini-mini Boop , even if my version is very different, I'm not sure at all ! If you still wonder about the meaning of this sentence I recommend you to ask people from Wordreference's forums, they're usually very helpful !

Same ! I couldn't find the word to say it though :cretin:

Catimini-mini Boop;3668416 a dit :
I have to work, again and again. I've been looking for my motivation all day long. If you find it, call me :shifty: :cretin: (I really have to but it's really hard :gonk:). Oh, I forgot. Tomorrow I'm going to the dentist. Well, I really have to find someone to exchange my life with, because mine won't be funny this week :yawn:.

And you?

Mine won't be funny either but it's Halloween on Wednesday so it will be fun yeaaah


Catimini-mini Boop thanks a lot :d
I have to do my homework and my revisions for my competitive examination but I do not have motivation yet.

Please girls, can you correct my mistakes in my English expressions ? :fleur:
18 Septembre 2011
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I teach English in high school now and so far I haven't had a lot of opportunities to speak "real" English, except with the assistant in the school (but she hasn't been here for long). I've been back to my hometown for two weeks for the Toussaint break, and spending time with my anglophone friends has felt sooooo freakin' good ! It's crazy how much English you can lose in two months. I hope I can find anglophone in my new town now so that I can continue speaking English in a natural way.
21 Septembre 2009
10 124
11 218
8 544
Hey Glouns :) You should check college associations if you're in a student city. That's what I did here in mine, I attended some Erasmus parties and made friends with Erasmus students. Of course some of them aren't anglophones per say, but their english is usually very good, it's still a good practice and you might get to know nice people !
25 Avril 2011
Hey girls! Happy new Year! Where did you all go ?

Anyone's been watching "The Beauty and the Beast" ? It's a new serie TV that my sister told me about, with Kritin Kreuk. She's so pretty, I'm having a girly-crush :cretin:
And frankly I don't know how they can say the guy's a "beast" because daaaaamn he's hot :d

Talking about tests, I'm supposed to pass the TOEIC or TOEFL I'm not sure,before the end of the year but ever since they told us that 2 years ago, no new information.
So here's my question, am I supposed to enlist myself somewhere for the test? Do I have to register early on?

And @[font='Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]Amy'[/font] you did well, congrats !
11 Novembre 2012
I'm coming in this topics because I really need to improve my english, I got the impression that it is so bad because I'm used to speak spanish so that my english is getting bader (I think). I'm better at speaking becaus my writting is so bad, i've got the impression of doing mistakes in all my phrases
I've heard about this series, beauty and the beast, maybe if I got the time I will see it, it's seems good :)
25 Avril 2011
pearly-creep;3883424 a dit :
I'm coming in this topics because I really need to improve my english, I got the impression that it is so bad because I'm used to speak spanish so that my english is getting bader (I think). I'm better at speaking becaus my writting is so bad, i've got the impression of doing mistakes in all my phrases
I've heard about this series, beauty and the beast, maybe if I got the time I will see it, it's seems good :)
You're not making that much mistakes actually, some sentences are not correctly put, but one can definitely understand !
One that I caught : it's not "bader" but "worse" ^^
To write better, I'd suggest reading in english! I haven't done it in a while, but my writing always gets better after a good book :)
Also, I'm jealous that you can speak spanish ^^

About the serie, well I've just watched 5 episodes in a row, I'm liking it so far, it's not super original, but the two protagonists are cute, and basically I want them to kiss! :yawn:

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