MadmoiZelle speaks English

15 Décembre 2006
4 944
Gaspard.;3641106 a dit :
I was in Melbourne/Victoria for 2 months, doing nothing except drinking beers and having fun (was pretty cool yay) but thats when i was a rich girl, then i moved to Queensland where i worked on a bananas farm (was awesome). Once ive saved enough dollars, i went down the east coast til Brisbane, then rode into Adelaide and crossed the desert - basically ive travelled the country.
(sorry im still really bad at tenses)
Their accent is hilarious, but not so terrible in big cities (Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Adelaide). When you're in the outback, it seems like they all are stupid ducks speaking to you (thats just how they sound, poor 'em). I think theres a lot of worst accent (scottish people i'm talking to you) tho. Or maybe i just got used to it...
Anyway, i still sound dannish when i speak english (everytime someone said that to me i was like wtf??? probably its just cos im blond and i dont really have the big strong accent frenchies are supposed to talk with)


I couldn't agree more. In Glasgow right now, since a year or so and for about three years from now. Scottish accent is a bit strong but glaswegian one is quite something. Took me 2 month to get used to it and I still don't understand everyone ( I understand most of them though).
Hi, everyone :)

Finally a topic where I could understand everything (AND I promised myself that I won't reply here!). I'm a latvian girl, but my english is about the same level as my latvian... I can even express myself way better in english than my native language... (Probably, because you can find more resources in english... but that's not the reason why I posted here...)
Ok, now I should get to the reason why I decided to post here - I'm in France to learn the language (mind you, I came here in august with beginner french), but my french is horrible!

Anyone here who could talk with me or give me tips? :happy: (or just about anyone I could talk with in any language?)

Hope you have a wonderful day,
~Alise/Alice :)
27 Janvier 2011
4 744
I do not know what's wrong with me !
How arepeople kind with me ? It's unusual because I get use to the fact that no one pay attention to me and now that I meet new people (new friends) I do not know how to act and I am always affraid of doing something that will make them go away from me :facepalm:
8 Avril 2012
1 246
2 397
1 654

I've just seen this topic! This is so great! I love so much English, this is a great idea!

But, hum, I must say that I haven't read what you're talking about, I'm a bit tired, sorry...

So, what are you up to? Is there a special topic of discussion?

Nighty night! =)
21 Septembre 2009
10 124
11 218
8 544
AliceMerveille hi Alice ! Don't be afraid to explore a little bit the forum and its french part ! It helps a lot to read french the way it's spoken, as we sometimes write on some topics. You'll be much more comfortable speaking with french people once you know a little more about "common" language rather than the scolar one :) And feel free to participate and to ask questions if you don't understand something ! That's how you learn !

And concerning tips, I recommend you to watch french TV shows. I'll be honest, most of them aren't as good as american or english ones :cretin: But it can help a lot. Hey frenchies out there, is there any french series you would recommend for Alice ?
8 Avril 2012
1 246
2 397
1 654
Marine Hawley;3657096 a dit :

And concerning tips, I recommend you to watch french TV shows. I'll be honest, most of them aren't as good as american or english ones :cretin: But it can help a lot. Hey frenchies out there, is there any french series you would recommend for Alice ?

Well, she can still watch english tv shows with French language! Voices will sound weird but it can work that way =)

Or, you can have a penpal! I bet a LOT of Madmoizelle would love to write to you =)
17 Octobre 2011
1 405
1 006
2 654
Hey :)
I had an English test last Tuesday and there was a translation exercice, I am not bad at this usually but I have to admit this damn short story had a lot of expression I didn't know. I'd like to have your opinion about this sentence.

There was little doubt that the speaker had lost all touch with his audience. It was scattered in patches about the hall - elderly ladies who made no attempt to hide their cruel boredom, and a few men, with the appearance of retired officers, who put a show of attention.

How would you translate the part in bold?


Hello girls ! :hello:

I am a French student. I want to make progress in English because I need to speak English very well for my studies. So, I want to meet you ! :fleur:
7 Juillet 2009
4 714
What a great topic (???)! This year I don't have english lessons anymore, but I don't want to loose all my knowledge.... I think in two sentences I made big mistakes so... see you soon guys.


First, a big breakfast with my computer and TV shows. Then, nothing, nothing, nothing and nothing ! It's holidays ! :yawn:
No, my boyfriend comes back this afternoon. :)

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