MadmoiZelle speaks English

11 Novembre 2012
Thank you for the corection :) This is strange because I know the mistake that I made, but when I'm writting I just don't see it, you know?

Read, what a good idea, I think I really need it ! And if I speak spanish very well it's because I'm living in Spain, and it's also because of it that I've got the impression that my English become worst and worst :XD:

And I really want to try this serie, you make me want to watch it ! all the time I'm looking for new series and now that I've finished "Hart of Dixie" I think it's time to star a new one !
21 Septembre 2009
10 124
11 218
8 544
Hello there ! If I may meddle in :cretin: I've never heard about Beauty and the Beast, what is it about ? Is that a fantasy series, Once upon a time-like ? I didn't like it this much, but I enjoyed following a fantasy series anyway, so now that I dropped OUAT I miss this kind of universe and I'm looking for a new one...
8 Février 2012
2 104
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1 864
Beauty and the Beast is a modern adaptation of the tale. It mixes crime serie and the tale. It's a quite nice tv show. It's not as fantasy as Once Upon A Time but it's really nice.
25 Avril 2011
aunbrey;3883735 a dit :
Beauty and the Beast is a modern adaptation of the tale. It mixes crime serie and the tale. It's a quite nice tv show. It's not as fantasy as Once Upon A Time but it's really nice.
Exactly what she said!

As for OUAT I agree, I still watch (though I'm a few episodes late), but without much enthusiasm !
A good fantasy show ... well if any of you girls know about one, then please tell us! I love fantasy! :fleur:

One serie that I really like too : "Touch", I keep bugging everyone with this serie, but really give it a try :)

Pearly Creep, oh that's nice! And what is "Hart of Dixie"? I've never heard of it!

Now how is it that when my mom makes my bed, it's so perfect I don't even want to sleep in it, but when I do it, it's just ... so messy :d
11 Novembre 2012
neil;3884288 a dit :
Pearly Creep, oh that's nice! And what is "Hart of Dixie"? I've never heard of it!
Hart of Dixie is about a young doctor from New York (playing by Rachel Bilson) who is kinda obliged to move in a new town which is very small and at the begining she is totally lost and she really doesn't like the city. But little a little, she will meet new friend, new love, new traditions... And she has to deal with it.

It's a really funny and refrishing serie, it's totally my favourite of the moment :)


Wow, this is gonna be my favorite topic !
Girls, can I join you ?
I absolutely need to speak English 'cause I can't improve wih my studies and I don't have much time to improve...
I want to go in England :puppyeyes:
3 Juin 2011
1 737
2 043
4 994
Hi girls, I've a question (even if I should come here more to learn more ^^)

How could we translate "soyons" or just the imperative form of any verb ??
I think to "let be" but this seems me strange...

Thank you (and so sorry if this hurts your eyes with a lot of mistakes ;) )
21 Septembre 2009
10 124
11 218
8 544
@ineffable @donowitz

Oh god :cretin: I'm not on my usual computer, and automatic translation is on. I was so confused, it took me a minute to understand the problem. Just for you to see, spoiler

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marygrey;3923081 a dit :
Hi Gurlz !

In few weeks I gonna pass the Toefl exam. I'd like to know if some of you passed it ? How did you prepare it ? Do you have any piece of advice ?

Thanks :test
I didn't pass the TOEFL, but I passed the First exam (from Cambridge) and I suppose this is approximately the same questions. I prepared it with my school (I was in European class).
I think you just have to read in english and to watch movies or TV shows without any subtitles (this really help !).
For the oral, you can prepare with a friend, who doesn't have to speak very well English, but just to be there and to ask some basic questions (tell me a little about yourself ? What do want to do later ? What are your hobbies ?). Maybe you'll have to answer some questions about a picture and to chat with somebody else.

Err... For the writing exam, you should maybe register to an english forum and to write some things asking people to help you.

I do'nt have any other ideas, sorry :/


marygrey;3925170 a dit :
black-crystal;3924214 a dit :
Err... For the writing exam, you should maybe register to an english forum and to write some things asking people to help you.

I do'nt have any other ideas, sorry :/

Thanks girls ! Do you know any english forum where I could register ?
Well, I think you could go on a forum that deals with one of your hobbies (a serie, a book...). I don't know any "global" forum.
But in general, when you find a website about a subject you like, there's a forum :)

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