MadmoiZelle speaks English

Hello Madmoizelles!

While ago I wrote here to find a way to speak french. I'd like to thank @napoleon, she truly helped me with my head start of understanding french. Thanks for being patient with me & my endless list of questions.

If anyone here wants to practice english, I'd gladly help you with that. :)
urumii;3999620 a dit :
alicemerveille;3999539 a dit :
Hello Madmoizelles!

While ago I wrote here to find a way to speak french. I'd like to thank @napoleon, she truly helped me with my head start of understanding french. Thanks for being patient with me & my endless list of questions.

If anyone here wants to practice english, I'd gladly help you with that. :)

Hey !

do you want to become a kind of correspondent?

:caprice: I really want to improve my english so i will be really happy if you accept to speak with me a lot :d

Of course, I would love to :) Just write me a message :P
13 Octobre 2011
3 523
15 530
3 384
alicemerveille;3999539 a dit :
Hello Madmoizelles!

While ago I wrote here to find a way to speak french. I'd like to thank @napoleon, she truly helped me with my head start of understanding french. Thanks for being patient with me & my endless list of questions.

If anyone here wants to practice english, I'd gladly help you with that. :)
I'd also love to speak with you ! I haven't been practising enough this year, and I really feel like my english is weaker...
if-only;3999792 a dit :
alicemerveille;3999539 a dit :
Hello Madmoizelles!

While ago I wrote here to find a way to speak french. I'd like to thank @napoleon, she truly helped me with my head start of understanding french. Thanks for being patient with me & my endless list of questions.

If anyone here wants to practice english, I'd gladly help you with that. :)

I'd also love to speak with you ! I haven't been practising enough this year, and I really feel like my english is weaker...
I'd love to speak with you too :) just PM me (:
I'll begin my class of Terminal next school year and I was obliged to take an English option. So I must practise my English during the holidays to have good notes this year !

Which are your advices for me to being better in English ! I already started to watch Game Of Thrones in English :)

Thank you for your adviiiiices ! :happy:

xoxo :jv:

(rolala j'espère qu'il n'y a pas trop de fautes. Si c'est le cas, quelqu'un veut bien me corriger ?)
timboy;4189100 a dit :
-chachou;4188354 a dit :
I'll begin my class of Terminal next school year and I was obliged to take an English option. So I must practise my English during the holidays to have good notes this year !

Which are your advices for me to being better in English ! I already started to watch Game Of Thrones in English :)

Thank you for your adviiiiices ! :happy:

xoxo :jv:

(rolala j'espère qu'il n'y a pas trop de fautes. Si c'est le cas, quelqu'un veut bien me corriger ?)

If you don't mind me correcting? :)

Instead of "I was obliged" go for "I had to", it's smoother to the ear. Also, a note is like a note you leave on a piece of paper, une note in english is a grade or a mark.
"What is your advice" instead of "which are your advices", what is more appropriate here and also advice is always singular (like pasta or hair... so weird when you're used to use the plural for those. It takes practise).
"For me to improve my english" would be more correct here as well.

Your level is quite good though and watching tv shows or movies in english is a good way to start. I'd suggest you try without subtitles or with english ones instead of french subtitles. And I suppose reading the press and stuff... and travelling in an anglophone country... the only way to learn the subtelties of a language is to live in a country where it's spoken. The language you learn at school often proves to be too formal and actually not that commonly used.

edit: AND ALSO LOOKING UP SONGS LYRICS!! You have no idea how much progress I made by learning Arctic Monkeys lyrics by heart!

Thank youuuuuuuuuuuuuuu :test
alicemerveille;3999539 a dit :
Hello Madmoizelles!

While ago I wrote here to find a way to speak french. I'd like to thank @napoleon, she truly helped me with my head start of understanding french. Thanks for being patient with me & my endless list of questions.

If anyone here wants to practice english, I'd gladly help you with that. :)
Hey, I want to improve my english skills so if you don't mind we can talk and switch back and forth in our native languages if one of us is not understanding the other one ;)
14 Novembre 2012
Hi Girls !

I don't speak english as good as you do, but I really want to practise. So can I join you ? :)
tigre;4325559 a dit :
@Asphodel — Good luck! If you love cats, you can* read Warrior Cats (even if there are twenty-four books for the moment, you can* content yourself with the first six books).

(*Or 'be able to'?).

I think "you should read" is more correct, because it's an advise. "Be able to" suggests a capacity notion. 
And "maybe you can", for the second sentence.

This semester, I'm going to follow curses in English, about United Nations, with foreigner students... I'm very anxious, I hope I'll understand ! And also be able to read and learn in English without translating in my mind (books, articles, write essays...). But I have to do that, because I'll spend the next year in an English-speaking country and university (probably Canada).  
donowitz;4327105 a dit :
zoharit;4326058 a dit :
tigre;4325559 a dit :
@Asphodel — Good luck! If you love cats, you can* read Warrior Cats (even if there are twenty-four books for the moment, you can* content yourself with the first six books).

(*Or 'be able to'?).

I think "you should read" is more correct, because it's an advise. "Be able to" suggests a capacity notion. 
And "maybe you can", for the second sentence.

This semester, I'm going to follow curses in English[...]
Are you a witch? :cretin:

It's obviously "cOurses" not "curses" (curse=malédiction);)

(C'est dingue comme une lettre peut TOUT changer)

Oh, sorry, I suppose I thought about the word "cursus" and so I did a beautiful Freudian slip (of course I would be a witch ! I'm still waiting for my Hogwarts letter !). 
3 Février 2011
4 724
Hola chicas ! (Wait..)

I guess some of you are used to read books in English, and I wondered if you read differently when you read in English than when you read in French.
For example, I noticed that when I read in English, I often read aloud, to practice my accent, of course, but also to pay more attention to the words. It prevents me from skipping letters, or prepositions etc, and eventually, I find it way easier to understand what I read. When I read silently, I always read too quickly, and miss half of the sentences... (or half the sentences ?)
 (Too many "read" in this post haha).

Oh, and can someone tell me the difference between "quick" and "fast" ? (If there's one of course...) I never know which one to use... :lunette:

Thank you ! :)

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