MadmoiZelle speaks English

9 Mars 2008
25 660
13 679
9 184
Orietur;1267963 a dit :
Oh yeah, I heard Chicago was great. I dream of going to San Francisco day and night though. A friend of mine is going to study at Berkeley next year - if he gets good grades that is - and I hope I'll get a chance to visit him.

Shittiest sunday afternoon ever, it's raining as hell, played Monopoly with my mum for two hours, how lame is that ?

With my business school I could go at Berkeley next year too, but I need the TOEFL and it is so expensive :sad:
9 Mars 2008
25 660
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9 184
Orietur;1267979 a dit :
Nothing compared to the university fees I guess haha. (But I think it's worth spending 200? to get a chance at Berkeley, my friend already studied there during the summer, it sounded pretty incredible)
But if you eventually go there, are you gonna pay the same you do in your business school or is going to cost you the same as Berkeley's students ?

Actually, If I go there it will be only the 2011's summer for a "Summer Session" (accelerated semester in 3 months instead 6). So I will pay my business school's fees and, I think, 6000-8000 ? for Berkeley -_-.
9 Mars 2008
25 660
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9 184
Tangerine;1268110 a dit :
For the TOEFL I paid 150 euros "only" (still expensive, I know) but indeed, it it gives you the opportunity to study abroad, I think that's worth the price!
And Lavana, I don't know how your school works, but are you sure you have to pay at Berkeley too? Because I'm going to study abroad too, and I'm only paying my university fees, and nothing for the university I go to.

Yes, I'm sure, unfortunately :/

Socca;1268117 a dit :
For my third year in Business School, I'll have to pass the TOEIC to study in an English, Irish or American college. I think the level isn't as good as the TOEFL, right?

My english teacher explained me the difference : TOEIC is easier but when you have it, you have it for life ! When you have TOEFL, it is only for two years (I think), it is really for foreign studies.
1 Janvier 2009
14 953
8 475
8 524
Orehn.;1268095 a dit :
Oh, my.
That's so expensive!
I knew american colleges were out of price but not that much. Damn. I can't believe it.

Well, I wanted to go to Stanford but it cost $25,000 a year (just for the Law School : $19,000) !
15 Septembre 2009
7 774
6 317
5 894
Tangerine;1268127 a dit :
The 2 exams are different. The TOEFL is more "literary" (it's really about academic topics) while the TOEIC is more focused on Business and perhaps everyday life.

Lavana;1268134 a dit :
My english teacher explained me the difference : TOEIC is easier but when you have it, you have it for life ! When you have TOEFL, it is only for two years (I think), it is really for foreign studies.

Oh, thanks, it's clearer now :) I understand why my school recommend us to have the TOEIC. Anyway, I still some time to think about it!
8 Septembre 2008
11 894
4 637
8 364
I'd love visiting some friends who are studying in Cambridge, but I'll not have holidays or week-end for a long time. Or I could but I'll have to drop Human Ressources course. I'm fed up with my life and I need a break far away from my town.
21 Septembre 2008
2 322
4 984
suspensi0n;1256874 a dit :
For those who want to improve their linguistic skills. Let's speak English girls !

yay! I actually was thinking about the same idea!
I'll come back here to read what's going on. now, I have to run to school! I'm late (as always!)

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