MadmoiZelle speaks English


Ambassadrice de Ville
15 Octobre 2012
62 464
296 396
10 404
Hey @Melfïnn ! I think we should all find something to talk about so that we can chat ! I've very recently discovered this subject and most people only present themselves and that's it ...

So what you guys like ? I watch a ton of shows, so of that's your thing, mention the shows you like ! (We're definetely going to find one to talk about !)
2 Août 2011
1 876
9 233
5 164
I watch The Walking Dead and GoT too ! As well as Once Upon a Time, Big Bang Theory, American Horror Story (I haven't seen the end of season 4 yet), I watched True Detective and I have Broadchurch, Fargo and Sons of Anarchy to watch ! (where will I find the time to do that, I wonder !)
And I also like New Girl, Orange is the New Black, Breaking Bad, Doctor Who, Supernatural, Buffy...and many others ! :yawn:
10 Octobre 2014
3 183
Oh cool, a topic where we can practice our English ! If you don't mind my weird grammar, I will hang out with you !

I watch way to much TV shows, but my current favorites are Fargo, True Detective (I've just started, a century after everyone), Hannibal, Supernatural, Penny Dreadful... I also love period drama, like Downton Abbey, Miss Fischer's Mysteries, Poirot and Marple... With a cup of tea, these are the best way to spend a cold january evening in my opinion :rire:
I also watched Top a of the lake, but I was very puzzled by the ending (I won't talk about it, for fear of spoiling someone).

EDIT : @Melfïnn : I did, a few years ago (don't know why I stopped actually) ! It's a fantastic show, funny and weird, often praised for its creativeness. Some episodes are talking (in a subtile way) about society and issues like feminism, racism... I would definitely recommend it.


Ambassadrice de Ville
15 Octobre 2012
62 464
296 396
10 404
@Melfïnn well thanks ! Dany is my favorite female character from the show :jv: ! I can't wait for the show to be back !
@Pomegranate I also watch OUAT, TBBT, AHS (same, I think I have 2/3 episodes left, and my fav season is Coven ... Still not over about what happened to Madison during the "épreuves" !), New Girl, OITB, and Supernatural !

I really watch a ton of shows so I'm gonna make the list of those I can think of : Chasing Life, Galavant, Shameless US, Galavant, How To Get Away With Murder, Grey's Anatomy, Scandal, Gotham (with some episodes to see), Sleepy Hollow (same), The Flash (same); 2 Broke Girls (same), Eye Candy, The Good Wife, The Fosters, A to Z (same), Glee, Agent Carter and Agents of Shield, Empire, Scorpion (same), The Mindy Project, Chicago Fire & PD, Orphan Black, Criminal Minds, Jane The Virgin (same), Sirens, Pretty Little Liars (same), Stalker, Homeland, 12 Monkeys (but I didn't watch the last episode) ...

I usually avoid making a list of the shows I watch cause it makes me realize how much I spend time doing it, and usually people freak out. But I have a lot of free time though !

Now I'm going to correct the tiny mistakes I saw in your messages :
@Melfïnn it's not "somebody watch" but "somebody watches", just like in french !
@Ypsilon "it's not "to many shows" but "too many shows". To is used before "un verbe à l'infinitif"

I hope you don't mind if I do that. I really love speaking english and I used to help a friend practising for her english college class, so I made her speak english and correct her/explaining why she made a mistake (everytime I could).
  • Big up !
Réactions : Furya et Ypsilon
10 Octobre 2014
3 183
@Adybou : Thanks for your help ! I often write without re reading myself, and I make lots of stupid mistakes...
And I see you're watching Galavant, I've seen a few gifs on tumblr and it seems completely crazy (in a funny way), is the whole show like that ?
Dernière édition :
  • Big up !
Réactions : Adybou
24 Mars 2010
3 724
@Ypsilon thanks for this comment it's very interesting !

@Adybou Oh yeah thanks for the correction ! I think I don't wrote english since a few month, so it's weird for me to "speak" again. I make a lot of mistakes particulary in grammar and conjugation (like in french in fact x) ) I need to improve my english (really) ^^
  • Big up !
Réactions : Adybou


Ambassadrice de Ville
15 Octobre 2012
62 464
296 396
10 404
@Ypsilon you're welcome ! (I'm not 100% sure on this, I'd have to ask my friend, but I think you can't say "lots of", it's only "a lot of'.) About Galavant, I've started watching it after reading about it in an Madz article, so it already has the team's approval :v: ! And yeah, it's a great show ! If you don't know the story, it's about Galavant who's a great hero, and madly in love with Madelena. Richard, the king, saw her, wanted her, and had her kidnapped so he can marry her. He sort of gave up, until Princesse Isabella (or Princess Isabella Maria Lucia Elizabetta of Valencia) asked him to help her save her parents, kidnapped by Richard. Then these two (plus Sid, played by Lee Jordans from Harry Potter :yawn:!!!) do their best to save Isa's parents and save Madelena from Richard (who actually doesn't care about being saved, since being the Queen is something that she quickly started to love !
(I now realize that's it's a very detailed summary ^^' but pretty much everything I've said can be seen in the trailer !) I love everything from this show, but three "details" make me so damn happy :
1) two actors are non-white (how many times this happens in a period show ?)
2) at some point, Richard and Galavant talk about sex and Richard admits that he and Madelena never done anything. I can't really quote him but he said somehting like "yeah I kidnapped her, but I'd not touch her if she didn't want me to, I'm not a barbarian !" :top::top::top:
3) at some point, Isabella trains Galavant, and she turns out to be better than him :egyptian:

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