MadmoiZelle speaks English

27 Avril 2014
Maybe you should start by a easy one like How I met your Mother, or New Girl,Weeds, Castle....they don't have any accent, it's easier. Don't start with True Detective or Sherlock. I think the US accent is easier to begin with. I'll send you a PM with the links!
  • Big up !
Réactions : Catleen
8 Mars 2014
1 094
Ha ha ha, I'm so bad in English (don't hesitate to correct me) and I have an English exam tommorow afternonn, I'm in the shit if I stay reading Madmoizelle (read it in your head Madmoizelle with English accent please ;) )
Youhouh! :d
  • Big up !
Réactions : Adybou
15 Août 2014
Hey guys ! I just discover this topic, and it looks pretty fun ! :happy: so if I can help anybody to improve his/her English talking, just tell me ! :rainbow:
12 Octobre 2014
3 694
Heyyyy :paillettes:

I'm really interested about this topic :)
I'm in prépa littéraire and I'm not as good as I would like to be, the English class is pretty hard XD
Even if I have not travelled a lot (twice in England for 1 week and 1 week in Denmark but it was with school), I was in european class when I was High School so I hoped to be better than I finally am :sad:

Do not hesitate to correct me, thanks :supermad:


Ambassadrice de Ville
15 Octobre 2012
62 464
296 396
10 404
Hey hey hey ! So damn happy to have a place where I can speak english !

@Cariboux your english doesn't look bad (so far) but you forget some "words" "I was (in) high school". I've a pretty good level so if you want (or someone else) I'll be more than happy to help in any way I can !
2 Juillet 2013
2 174
Hi girls!

I've moved from Paris to London in November, now living the british dream!
I'm willing to help as well, or just contribute to conversations :)

  • Big up !
Réactions : Adybou
30 Septembre 2012
4 679
HI there,

A couple of years in Ireland & UK, English as working language everyday in office and a British boyfriend at home... I'd be more than happy to chat/ help/ and even provide some Irish/ North of England slang if needed :)

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