MadmoiZelle speaks English

1 Novembre 2014
oh my god, this topic is sooooo interesting !! my oral english, is not so bad, but when I write ... x'D
so don't hesitate for correct myself ! :d
17 Novembre 2014
Paris (ou presque)
Hiiiii yaaaay English topic!!! I'm 100% French but I lived in London for three years and am now in an international section, so I can provide some good book names and help if needed (but so far it seems like everyone speaks pretty well ^_^ )
27 Avril 2014
@cumber-pika I would love to help you if you d like! :happy:
I would say "feel free to correct me" instead of "don't hesitate for correct myself"
==>Don't hesitate is grammatically correct but "feel free to" is prefered
==>"to correct me" because if you say "to correct myself" it would mean that you are correcting your own mistakes (and not someone else)

I'm glad if I helped! :supermad:
I help all my friends everyday with their cover letters, résumé...etc, and I kinda like it (I think I can found my own company...:d)
Keep going :hello:
  • Big up !
Réactions : cumber-pika
2 Juillet 2013
2 174
Hi everyone

Like @Cariboux i'm in Prépa but Commercial section.
I'm so bad in Maths so i hope to succeed my competitive exam thanks to English .

English is what helped me get a better school when I was in Maths prepa!
I wasn't as good as others in Maths or Physics, but rocking written and oral English exams got me inside the Engineer school of my dreams :)

Good luck!
18 Décembre 2014
1 993
8 505
la même ville que le Palmashow POPOPOOOO
Hiii everyone !
I've never been in a English speaking country, so my oral English is a little bad :sweatdrop:
I learn English in school and by movies, so I speak like a movie :yawn: hum, in fact I put replies and references everywhere because it's the only way that I can practice (not so clear, hoping you'll understand)
I'd want to go to NY or maybe in Melbourne for my studies (landscape design or cinema, terrible dilemma)
That's all, I'll be back soon :v:
11 Janvier 2015
1 202
6 167
2 074
@Blade Swimmer : don't worry, that's how I used to speak, then I went to study LLCE at uni, spend a year abroad thanks to Erasmus (best year of my life so far), and that's how my level got the level it is .Your english is pretty good . Just be aware of financial cost of studying abroad (which goes in the thousands of euros, no matter where your going!), it's great that you have a goal for your future, though!
12 Octobre 2014
3 694
Hey hey hey ! So damn happy to have a place where I can speak english !

@Cariboux your english doesn't look bad (so far) but you forget some "words" "I was (in) high school". I've a pretty good level so if you want (or someone else) I'll be more than happy to help in any way I can !

Yeah it was just a memory slape for the "in", I promise :yawn:
But thank you for your help :d
Where did you learn to speak english with a good level ? :)
  • Big up !
Réactions : Adybou


Ambassadrice de Ville
15 Octobre 2012
62 464
296 396
10 404
@Cariboux It's okay I have those too :top: ! And you're welcome. I became this good in english by watching tons of shows with french subs. When I was in my early teens, I'd watch an episode, download the next one, watch it, and download the next one ...

I have to admit I watch a shitton of shows (I've always at least 2/3 episodes to watch every day, plus the ones I watch when I've nothing to catch up on) ... I was lucky to have good teachers back in collège and high school, but no matter how fun their classes were, it can't be compared with an HIMYM episode.

What's your method ?

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