MadmoiZelle speaks English

28 Mars 2013
2 520
9 282
1 604
Yeah it's cool! I met people, but lot of french au pairs (my kids goes to a french school near dublin so the others au pairs are essentially french).
And you? what are you doing?
3 Juillet 2013
1 224
I began my trip in November with 2 months in Quebec, now 3 in Japan, then 1 in South Korea and after Spain. Next it will be the summer, it will time to found a work in UK I wish.
28 Mars 2013
2 520
9 282
1 604
How are you planning you trips?Did you work? Are you alone? Do you find some house or do you live like a couchsurfer? (Sorry but that's interest me a lot!!!)
3 Juillet 2013
1 224
I worked couple months in France to save money and after I'm using the website Workaway to be a volunteer in Quebec, Japan and Spain (some hours of work per day in exchange of free accommodations), in Korea not necessary because the hostels are not expensive and in UK I will try to find a work. I am alone but so far there are always others volunteers to meet ^^
Dernière édition :
28 Octobre 2014
Hi everybody !
Sorry for my intrusion, but I need your help !
Actually, I work on a research paper due on May but during my research on the Internet, but I don't understand a sentence and I'm affraid to make a mistake or a confusion, can you explain me this ? :

They also endeavored to shift NAWSA's attention away from winning voting rights for women at the state and local levels to securing an amendment to the US Constitution to enfranchise women nationnaly ( link :

Thank you so much for your help ! :fleur:
26 Septembre 2015
3 734
Hi @Kushina !
As far as I get it, Alice Paul and Lucie Burns were members of NAWSA, (american movement) but they worked with and were influenced by the Pankurst family (leaders of a more "radical" movement). Because of this influence, Alice and Lucie wanted to "make things big": they thought that an amendment to the american constitution would provide women's voting right much better than a local or a state law.

(You should also get a look on the Seneca Falls convention, this is a so cool part of History ^^)
  • Big up !
Réactions : Kushina
28 Octobre 2014
@Miss Prism oh thanks for replying ! So if I understand, women at that time were allowed to vote but only at a local level, for example for a major ? What is the state one ? (Gouvernor of a state ?)
  • Big up !
Réactions : Miss Prism
26 Septembre 2015
3 734
Well, actually women did not obtain a full right to vote until 1920's in America. It happened that some of them could vote to local election, but they were very few of them and it was restricted (non married / widowed). As far as I know, they could not be elected to some representative functions (to be mayor for example).
(In Britain some of them obtained voting rights in 1918 [women over 30, widows, ..], and the rest of the population 10 years after [I'm not totally sure about the years, but I noticed that in France, we obtained it much later].

I worked on voting rights in university but we did not have all the details about local election.. But you can check on this website, it helped me a lot to do my research:
  • Big up !
Réactions : Kushina

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