MadmoiZelle speaks English

29 Décembre 2005
10 133
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8 434
Winter River;1268187 a dit :
Studying in the United States is so expensive... I want to go there after I graduate tu study surgery (they have the best techniques & structures ever!) but I'm afraid of what it's going to cost me.

I think you can do it! Colleges are really, really expensive in the US but for undergraduate students (the equivalent for a French license, except it's in four years). If you want to go to Grad School (= master/doctorat) usually you get a scholarship. Plus, they give you a job as a TA (Teaching Assistant), so you have to teach classes at the college you attend, but that also means you're actually paid to go to school. And once you're in, it depends on the college but they usually pay you well, not like in French universities.
I did that last year: I was an exchange student but I had the same status as the actual grad students! And I plan on going there again next year.
I think the terms vary with each college but it's more or less the same principle everywhere.
21 Septembre 2008
2 322
4 984
Sood;1269381 a dit :
Hi !
What's the TOEIC and TOEFL ?

TOEFL: Test of English as a Foreign Language
TOEIC: Test of English for International Communication

they are tests that you have to take if you wana study in countries like the US or England for example, or any subjects in english. it's to test how good your english is. and each university has her own score.
(am I right?)
29 Décembre 2005
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Mèng;1269807 a dit :
TOEFL: Test of English as a Foreign Language
TOEIC: Test of English for International Communication

they are tests that you have to take if you wana study in countries like the US or England for example, or any subjects in english. it's to test how good your english is. and each university has her own score.
(am I right?)

I don't know anything about the TOEIC but for the TOEFL, you're right! But I think that the score is universal: you get a number of points and then each college decides if it's high enough for you to get in.
22 Avril 2009
10 279
15 440
6 454
well girls when i'm hearing you speaking about university fees, studying abraod etc i think you don't know Calvin thomas' program Campus B.

I'm gonna sum up it for you. You can study in an american university and have the same scholarships than others american students. You can have a minimum of 50% scholarship that means you only pay the half of the price. But you have more 70%, 80% and more! It depends about you and about file. Then you'll receive a list of university according to your choices etc and you pick up one. You can study until the master and the scholarship is renew each year if you study well (of course!). But that's not free you have to pay 2000€ to subscribe to this organization.
Personally i think it's a really good opportunity, that's expensive but i've never seen any other programs which could permit this. Google Calvin thomas and check it out!


Sedgewick;1268117 a dit :
For my third year in Business School, I'll have to pass the TOEIC to study in an English, Irish or American college. I think the level isn't as good as the TOEFL, right?

I think so too. The TOEIC level is quite "basic". Maybe there's a difference between free and paying exams. For example, there's no oral examination in the TOEIC whereas there is one in the PET (a Cambridge exam in middle school).
12 Mai 2008
4 884
I have finally found a topic that I understand ! I can't read arab, russian or chinese and I didn't even know that there were MadmoiZelles who speak swedish. It's surprising. Of course there are languages which are more similar to french as spanish, italian. For my part, I'm germanist but as the group on facebook claims

Anyway, this topic is a very good idea to improve our english. I won't feel guilty anymore to be on MadmoiZelle instead of studying for my english exam ^^
31 Août 2008
9 289
19 383
6 054
Bleuenn;1271338 a dit :
Me too!! I could kill for Oreos right now.

The taste of the Oreo's chocolate biscuit reminds me of a biscuit i used to eat when i was a child : the 'Bamboula'! :happy:

Anyway, i do not like the white cream inside Oreos. Too much butter tasty for my royal and subtle palate .

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