MadmoiZelle speaks English

29 Décembre 2005
10 133
6 333
8 434
I don't remember Bamboulas either! Oreas are weird because I don't eat them often anymore, so sometimes I'll just crave them and obsess about them for a while. Oh, and what is truly delicious is Oreo ice cream :)
8 Septembre 2008
11 894
4 637
8 364
Bleuenn;1272292 a dit :
I don't remember Bamboulas either! Oreas are weird because I don't eat them often anymore, so sometimes I'll just crave them and obsess about them for a while. Oh, and what is truly delicious is Oreo ice cream :)

BIG-UP ! Oreo ice cream, it's just delicious :)
21 Septembre 2008
2 322
4 984
Elfy.Musicaë;1271936 a dit :
I'm not sure that's a good idea to start to talk about food, we talk ever too much about food in french :rotate:

F***! I came here to talk about food!! I am hungry but there's nothing to eat over here :gonk:
29 Décembre 2005
10 133
6 333
8 434
HELLAUDREY;1272739 a dit :
what's the goal of this topic ? I'm lost :rotate:

The goal is just to say whatever you want but in English, so basically it's a random topic.

For instance, I just came here to say that I have George Michael's "I Want Your Sex" engraved in my mind, I think I'm going bananas.
8 Septembre 2008
11 894
4 637
8 364
Bleuenn;1272749 a dit :
The goal is just to say whatever you want but in English, so basically it's a random topic.

For instance, I just came here to say that I have George Michael's "I Want Your Sex" engraved in my mind, I think I'm going bananas.

Well, me I had a lot of funny moments with "Faith"! BTW I will listen to it quickly !
31 Août 2008
9 289
19 383
6 054
Elfy.Musicaë;1272765 a dit :
I just want to share with my big music love of the moment : Charlie Winston. He's a genius, I saw him a few weeks ago in live, and it was amazing. He knows a lot of things in music : he plays guitar, piano, he sings (soooo well) and he's also a beatbox, you know, with his mouth. He has a really good sens of the scene, sharing with his public, giving all of himself. I listen to his album everyday or almost, I wanna dance when I hear his music.

So if you don't know much about Charlie Winston (no more than Like a hobo or In your hands) please, listen to him on deezer or youtube, it's just so magic :)

Oh dear, i saw him last year (i mean, school year, so... i think it was in january, this year) at a party in Paris. He sang two or three songs beautifully. It was damn great, it's so a sexy-and-nice guy.

He was a bit drunk. Graouuu :)

I love his song 'Boxes', it makes me feel restored, and... like i was in a cotton's ocean.

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