MadmoiZelle speaks English

22 Avril 2009
10 279
15 440
6 454
Orehn.;1433101 a dit :
It's been a long time since i haven't checked this topic. Nothing much going on over here, what a shame!

I just want to say, that, well, english has taken a huge part in my life, and it's pretty weird, sometimes i lose french words, and when i speak i almost say the english word, you know, that's just so embarassing, I once said "food" in a french sentence ahah. I also said "j'espère que je n'aurai jamais à dealer avec ces trucs", so I just felt so stupid in front of my friend, i just laughed nervously.
But i really can't help it... I'm reading way too much english on the internet, watching so many series and movies, sometimes i'm even thinking in english, so, i'm not so surprised i'm messing up with french...
But don't you ever feel like that too?
I've been looking for the word "involve" in french for like... 5 minutes when i was writing an essay at school on friday ahaha, i'm so lame! The worst part is that i didn't find it and i had to make another sentence... How could i forget the word "impliquer"? I mean, come onnn.

And about my accent, i think it's really really bad. I guess i'm more british sounding than american, but uhh, it's just lame and ridiculous as fuck. I could stick with a strong french accent, but i can't even do it! I can't wait till i travel to an english speaking country and speak some concrete with real people, IN REAL LIFE ahah.

I complytly understand xhat u feel 'cause it's the same for me! When i say an english word instead of a french word and my friends tell me some bullshits after this i just reply "hey i'm a citizen of the world!!" lol I started to think in english in high school 'cause i thought it could be easier for me about assigments and other things like that. And when i wanted to stop i couldn't my brain was on and wanted to stay like this lol So now i'm happy 'cause i have the impression to improve everyday (even if it's tottaly wrong lol). But thanks to this i'm less scary about watching series w/ US subs and tru don't read all of them. I also watch tv shows but w/o subs it's my personnal challenge lol But when i don't find a word in french but only in english i feel sooo happy it's unbelievable lol
By the way i was wondering if there was a skype mademoizelle "channel" which could permit us to speak together and improve our skills and progress in the same way ?
23 Janvier 2008
2 274
I just wanted to write here because I find that my english is getting poor.

I've always loved this language but now that I don't study it anymore, I notice that speaking english became more difficult than before.
And it's soooo bad !

I don't speak it anymore, I don't hear people talking english anymore and I have to do something! I think that I really have to speak english with someone. I'm looking for a website where I could talk with people who speak english.

By the way, Charlie Winston rox ! Ahah !
23 Janvier 2008
2 274
Thanks Orehn ! Thank you for the advices ! I will try to find some web magazine that I could read several times a day in order to improve my english and learn new words.

But I'm still a bit "afraid" of Chatroulette. I'm kind of afraid of seeing things I really don't want to see.

But, once again, thanks a lot!
11 Août 2009
1 579
And what about Irish accent? :) (don't know if you talked about it already)
I've heard it everyday for more than a year but still can't really make a difference between the different accents, even if I'm getting used to Australian and English accents. Australian accent is cute!
22 Avril 2009
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6 454
hey girls
does it happen to you to laugh at a joke w/out translating it (even for 2 sec)?? Ok my question might be stupid but usually i'm used to laugh 2 sec was told because i was translating it. But i was watching a show and s.o told a joke and i immediately laughed naturally laughed and felt proud in the same way lol (i improved my ears once again). What about you do understand some things easier nowadays than before?
11 Août 2009
1 579
Alizuko;1464896 a dit :
hey girls
does it happen to you to laugh at a joke w/out translating it (even for 2 sec)?? Ok my question might be stupid but usually i'm used to laugh 2 sec was told because i was translating it. But i was watching a show and s.o told a joke and i immediately laughed naturally laughed and felt proud in the same way lol (i improved my ears once again). What about you do understand some things easier nowadays than before?
Ya, as Orehn, I'd say it's a matter of time. The more you master the language, the less you need to translate it! Then, to laugh to an English joke, you also have to understand everything that's said, including the context, which isn't that simple all the time! :lol:
To tell you, I have been living in Ireland for more than a year, and when I'm watching tv, hell that's not so easy to understand everything and to laugh in the same time as other people, even if you have a good english. (Just check "the republic of telly" or "the podge and rodge show", if you want to have an idea of irish jokes!)

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