MadmoiZelle speaks English

22 Avril 2009
10 279
15 440
6 454
BryterLayter;1466365 a dit :
I think it depends on your knowing (or not) cultural aspects of the countries you're dealing with. I mean, especially when you watch TV shows, they have particular references in each country, and you may understand each word of the pun and just don't get it because you're not aware of the cultural background. I mean, it's not all about the actual language but much about folklore as well - you may speak a perfect British English, if you have no clue about their clichés, their scapegoats etc... you won't get most of the jokes. ;)

Don't worry I'm aware about that I was speaking in a general way to say how proud u could feel when u realize ur skills grew up and u don't "lag" anymore when u listen to sth and especially with humor. S.o can tell u a joke about a duke and a cat w/o references to a fact on tv if u still lagging by listening to it u won't get it at all coz u would be focused on the part u didn't understand or try to translate. But as I said I understood what u meant.
11 Août 2009
1 579
camillel;1473882 a dit :
I must have given like 60 cvs and I still don't have a job, I am very fed up with this situation, now I'm looking at all the job websites and I give my cvs everywhere I go but it just drives me crazy! I haven't met people yet and I feel very alone.
Tomorrow, I'll give more and more cvs in Covent garden and Oxford Street but it is very exhausting!
I totally understand you. I've been looking for a job for two months (which isn't that long but still very annoying), I gave about 60 cvs like you, in all kind of shops plus I answered a few ads and absolutely NOONE answered to me, even to say they're not interested.

Just don't give up cause guess what, this morning my boyfriend heard a job offer on the radio, I applied at like 12.... and at 1 o'clock, someone was calling me. I have an interview tomorrow afternoon !
I'm very stressed, it's gonna be my first interview in English, plus it's in two parts: 1. they'll ring me in the morning to assess my level in English, and there's gonna be a kind a role play (bad thing: I HATE phonecalls, and I HATE roleplays haha!)
2. an interview in the afternoon, face-to-face.

Anyway, just to tell you not to give up!! You'll find something!
11 Août 2009
1 579
Haha, I wouldn't call that a lot of fun, as role plays have always been an actual nightmare to me :d but hopefully it's gonna be ok! I'll come back tomorrow and tell you about it!
11 Août 2009
1 579
Alright, so! I just had the first part of my interview: the phone call!!
So that wasn't so bad, but I am a bit disappointed cause I hade some difficulties to express myself but I don't know, we'll see.

So she asked me to tell her like my address in France, my email address, why I like France, why I like Ireland (I always find these questions very hard but well), she asked me to talk for on minute about "what do you do to keep yourself healthy". I had to make up there cause what I do to keep myself healthy is basically eating chocolate and watching tv all day haha!

Anyway then the role play! She was a customer, I was the reservation agent (the position I'm applying for), and I had to ask her details, booking number, and ask a few questions.
I really don't know what she thought about me!! But she said someone was going to contact me in the next few days and now, I have the face-to-face interview this afternoon, at 3.30!

camillel;1477109 a dit :
By the way, where are you? Is it a job in France?
I'm in Ireland, Cork precisely. What about you?
11 Août 2009
1 579
Thats great camillel!!! See, I told you, you would find something! ;) And I really hope for you you'll have the same chance as me because.... I HAVE THE JOB!!!!

They called me this morning to tell me they were happy to offer me the job ^^ Of course, I accepted!! I will start on the 10th of May, with first, one month of training.

So in about a month, I'll officially be a Reservations Sales Assistant! This is basically telemarketing: receiving calls from customers, travel agency... to make reservations in the hotels of the company (Starwood, which is an international company, and I even didn't know it two days ago lol). So I'll have to get used to the phone as I'll have to use it everyday for 7.5 hours at work! The hours of work are really shit, as I could start as 6am, or finish at 12,a nd I live 30 minutes from there, but well, we'll find something!

Oh, and I have no problem with Irish accent. Cork accent is supposed to be one of the weirdest accents in the country lol, but it's like everything, you get used to it! And I've been here for a while now, so even if I don't understand everyone and everything, I'm still very happy with my English level.
So Camille, you're in London is it? How long have you been there? :)
11 Août 2009
1 579
My boyfriend's mam told me the other day that, when someone calls you for a job, it usually comes by three! So hopefully, two other people are going to call you ;)

Bout Cork accent, I just found this video. Pretty funny lol, but THANK GOD all the people in Cork don't talk like that! (I myself don't understand half of what he says in the video XD)
Haha it makes me think that my boyfriend has an uncle, GOD I don't understand a word of what he says. So everytime he talks to me, I just look at him and don't answer, or say "euuh... what ?" lol so... well he actually thinks I'm stupid!

How's London? In what sector are you looking for a job?
25 Décembre 2008
4 814
I would like too because i'm going to Australia in August and i'm afraid by the australian accent..
12 Septembre 2009
1 494
1 854
alitah;1561131 a dit :
I would like too because i'm going to Australia in August and i'm afraid by the australian accent..

Mmm... maybe you could try to watch Dr House episodes in english? One of the doctors (the blond one, I can't remember his name) is Australian and speaks with the accent, so... It's not much but it could at least help you see what it sounds like :)

Edit : Oh by the way, next year I'll be studying in Liverpool (hopefully) and I'm afraid of the Scouse accent... Advices? :cretin: Movies or videos to watch?
30 Août 2008
2 374
alitah;1561131 a dit :
I would like too because i'm going to Australia in August and i'm afraid by the australian accent..

Lucky youuu ! I'd love to go there... and live there !
You should watch "The Tree", it's a new film, featuring Charlotte Gainsbourg. The scene is set in Australia, with Australian actors. Try and watch it in English ! :)
25 Décembre 2008
4 814
I watch yet House's episodes in english, I love that and especially his accent^^

And suspensiOn, I don't forgot the movie with Charlotte Gainsbourg.
Very good ideas, girls, thanks a lot^^
20 Mai 2010
1 079
Hey Madmoizelles!

Finally, a topic about English language. Hurray \o\

Long story short, I've never been to any English speaking country before, but I learnt it on the job over here, since all my good friends speak it. It's kinda hard to pick up first, but way more easy than other languages (less problems in conjugation and adjectives - I sound like a retarded when I speak French now.)

Coming back to Jelly Bear's story, I once spent the evening with Scottish people. They were a bit older and had the most amazing accent I've ever heard. I told my Irish boyfriend at the time that I kept quiet 'cause I didn't want to embarass myself in front of other people, and that I needed the subtitles.

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