MadmoiZelle speaks English

27 Juin 2010
7 451
10 706
5 954
yousrah;2106958 a dit :
Most of us are not bilingual. But we hope that writing here will help us to get better. Welcome !

In fact that's exactly my goal ! :d
But I see the topics is quite empty. It's a pity !
20 Janvier 2009
2 327
1 414
5 244
Great :d

So , four years ago i went in New-York, i think it is the most incredible city i've seen , though one week was a little bit too short , we always had to run everywhere!

Then i went in Martinique ! My grand parents always said that for their fiftieth marriage anniversary (? i'm not sure of my sentence ^^') they would take me, my mother and my little brother in Martinique. It was 15 wonderful days. The landscapes are so overwhelming ...

My dream is to go to Peru (i don't know why but i 'm obsessed with this country since my childhood!) and to make a road trip on the whole west coast of the USA!


Ahah~ this topic frightens me...I'm supposed to spend one year abroad, english is so bad.
I'm not fluent at all, my accent is terrible, even if I understand the most part when someone speaks english...I'm unable to answer, because I have to think...think and think again to make a sentence, grammaticaly correct.

(but I love baking carrot cake/cookies, so in the worst case, next year, instead of speaking, let's ?)


Wait, Alinoe, you were in Asia ? (I'm not sure...have been = present perfect I that means you're still there...ahah~ that'll be funny next year "sorry, was it the preterit you've just employed ? I need to be sure before answering you" :stare: )

Heeeell yeah, Tangerine, I wanna see you again (and again, and again, with Myn <3), when do you plan to leave ?

(please tell me when I'm doing mistakes :chat: )


Lol, I forgot you were ,beyond the appearances (?), a teacher :lunette:

That's perfect ! Classes are supposed to start by the end of september, but I think, my parents want me to leave my parisian flat by june...I don't want to...but it's expensive (and above all, pointless) keeping it during summer (omg, this sentence can't be sounds weird)
Then, I have to enjoy it until the very end :d


Hinhin~ it's expensive TO keep it during summer (thanks :B)

Well...err~ indeed yeah, I chose it knowing it was rainy, knowing about the awful accent, and other stuffs like that. But I really want to study at Newcastle, their university rocks (?),and...honestly, I want to live on a campus, just to try :d

It's boring, my english is really poor I'm not able to explain how much I want to get there...and I overuse "want to" that's unbearable , I'm so pissed ><


Mayfair;2115520 a dit :
Living on an english campus is amazing the first days you just feel like you're in an american movie :)
I really enjoy living there even if I miss my quiet flat in France I hope you don't mind being bothered by the noise ^^
But you'll see it's a very good experience and you'll improve your english quickly if you don't only stay with French people (what I'm unfortunately quite doing...)
There is no way that could happen...eer, I want to say "aucun risque que ça arrive" I will be alone...under my umbrella, just with my plastic boots to comfort me.
AHAH~ I hate being disturbed by the noise...what a luck ! :stare:

Alinoë;2115513 a dit :
Larry, what other cities were available ?
In UK ? Newcastle was the only one.

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