MadmoiZelle speaks English

21 Septembre 2008
3 054
^ Good luck :) ! I'm sure you'll knock their socks off !

MelleJune;2076127 a dit :
One month ago,after talking 10 min with a Ducth granny ( she was 86) in English she said to me :
"So you are French rightl?"
"Yes, I am"
"And you can speak French too?"
"Of course I am French!!!!!!!"
" Oh i mean, French don't speak English usually! So one of your parent is French?"
"My parents are both French :stressed:"
"And you live in France?"
She's not prejudiced against French people! Not at all :raie:

Ha I can totally relate to this ! I've heard this so many times from Dutch people...Because they're taught to be bilingual and even have degrees in English at university (I hope this never happens here..) a lot seem to think it's abnormal not to be fluent in English..
First of all this is such a cliché, a lot of French people (particularly the young generation) speak a decent English. Secondly, I don't see what's the big deal, I don't think we should have to be bilingual, we're in France after all so the most important is to speak French, right ?
Provided you don't act like a bastard and try to impose your language when you go abroad that's fine (sadly that's what a lot of people do, I hate when tourists come to me in Paris to ask an information and they don't even make an effort to utter a single french word like "Bonjour..s'il vous plaît" -like that's such a hard thing to learn :Pff:- and automatically start speaking English..of course I always answer politely but it still annoys me).
21 Septembre 2008
3 054
I definitely think foreign languages should be better taught in France, by that I mean all languages. What annoys me is the constant emphasis on English, like it's the only language in the world worthy of interest. I'm just sick and tired of this anglo-saxon imperialism.

I don't see where I denied that French people can be rude too :stare: albeit in a different way. I was pointing out how tourists behave abroad in general, that whoever acts like that is annoying, I just spoke about my personal experience here because that's what I know best. I know it happens elsewhere too.
I got this strange sensation a few hours ago, in my english class.
I was leading a debate about if France should reintroduce the military service or not.
Actually I was sitting on a table when the other guys had their asses stuck on their chair ; when I was told to speak up my mind about the topic, my voice was clear, my english oddly fluent and I talked for like ten minutes with a passionate tone that I never had before. Don't know if the fact that I was speaking in english made the whole thing more dramatic. My muscles were trembling, and when my speech was over, I felt a bit like this :


All those people, being silent and listening to me. My english teacher even told me it was extremly interesting and told me he had learned something at the end of the hour. Considering the fact that this man is a god to me, I would just have a last word about it : WINNING ! :danse:
8 Septembre 2008
11 894
4 637
8 364
Sometimes, I am surprised to think in English instead of thinking in French. Yes, It was very important for me to say that and for you to read it :P
27 Mai 2008
2 254
yousrah;2139217 a dit :
There is one hour before going to the gym ( This sentence doesn't seem right, may you help me to correct it ?). I am going to watch a TV show "the real life" on . It is the only time I listen english conversation.

It depends on what you mean exactly, but I think that you could say something like "I have one hour left before going to the gym" or "I'm going to the gym in an hour"
1 Septembre 2010
2 204
J'essaie de faire ce que je peux là dessus, mais en gros, pas trop d'erreurs :)
Beautifully Broken;2165092 a dit :
1) Invictus is a short poem written by William Ernest Henley. This poem was cited many times in popular culture, which makes it famous. We know for example the line : "I'm the master of my fate, I'm the captain of my soul". It's the favorite poem of Nelson Mandela, it played a big role in his life during his incarceration on Robben Island. Moreover, Mandela passed it on to the captain of the Springboks. That's why this title has been chosen for the film.

2) In 1948, there was the beginning of Apartheid in South Africa. For example, there was the creation of a segregation list, blacks were separated from whites :

- Black people couldn't marry white people.
- There was black shop and white shop, it was the same for parks.

Black people couldn't mix with the white people. Apartheid was criticized by the other nations and Mandela became the first black president in 1994. His election marked the end of Apartheid, but South Africa remained a deeply divided racially and economically nation.

3) In 1995, South Africa organized the Rugby World Cup. It was much more than a sport event because Nelson Mandela felt that this sporting event can create an union feeling behind the Springbok team which was the symbol of white South Africa, of their domination and apartheid for several decades. To unify the country and give to every citizen a reason to be proud, Mandela counted on this event. He became friends with the captain of the rugby team. Here, the event had a big importance in the nation history.

4) Nelson Mandela is an exceptional person because he truly embodies the highest values ​​of humanity. His life, his energy and his way of thinking are an example for all. He fought against his oppressors for too many years and then, he forgave them. He isn't spiteful whereas they unjustly condemned him. He didn't take his revenge on them because he only lives for peace. He accomplished many things during his life but he has a lot of humility. He didn't receive support, neither money nor of power, but he has continued his efforts until achieve his goal.

8) Last year, the Football World Cup was organized by South Africa.

9) I appreciated this film, Nelson Mandela is a wonderful man and this film is a beautiful tribute to his action in South Africa. Moreover, Morgan Freeman plays remarkably the role of Mandela. On the one hand, the story is indirectly accompanied with a documentary about apartheid and its disappearance. It's very interesting to become really aware of what happened there at that time. On the other hand, even if I dislike rugby, I find that it's easy to be carried away by the event, it's a beautiful story, with very good actors, beautiful set and a nice soundtrack. Clint Eastwood has directed an outstanding movie.

Après, si j'ai raté un truc, bah... L'erreur est humaine !
I hope I was helpful.
6 Février 2010
1 204
Hey what a great topic, it's a shame I haven't seen it earlier !! Well, concerning english language, i'd say it's one of my preferate, I'm so jealous when I hear someone speaking fluently english in the street ! :bave:
I wish I was born in England ! Anyway, I'd like to make a trip there, is there any place you'd advice me to go to (exept London, I've already been there :)) ?? I was thinking about Bristol, but I'm not sure.

Thanks girls !
6 Février 2010
1 204
i was thinking about organising a contest "Best Boyfriend Ever" but mine would certainly loose, he's way too lazy ! :sweatdrop:
But I love him anyway ! <3
Bringing this topic back from the dead !

My handsome english teacher gave us back our last test today. We had to write an article for the NY Times, about a movie we saw and studied for two weeks.

I was damn sure I had failed this test, it wasn't finished yet when the bell rang at the end of the hour, and what I'd written looked a bit too scolar to me.
But guess what ? I got 20/20. GOD. What's more, at the end of my article I signed with a fake name, but he wrote under it "Nooo ! I know who you are, you're Tracy Jacks and you write very well ! CONGRATULATONS ! ... once again"
Awwww yeaaaah.? Those words are so sweet to me, sir.
9 Janvier 2011
1 367
I surely will go in London with my best friend, in two weeks at least ! My journey seems less screwed up after this good news.
25 Mars 2009
4 724
salon de provence
NobodyKnows;2265667 a dit :
I surely will go in London with my best friend, in two weeks at least ! My journey seems less screwed up after this good news.

You are lucky!

I'm so nervous...My results of nurse's competition are still too faaaaaaaaaar (sorry for my bad english:arrow:)

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