MadmoiZelle speaks English

25 Avril 2011
NobodyKnows;2265667 a dit :
I surely will go in London with my best friend, in two weeks at least ! My journey seems less screwed up after this good news.

Luckyyy! I have to wait till August to go back, and I won't even be able to stay that long !
Have fun, there are so many things to do in London! How long are you gonna stay there?

Anyway, I'm definitely gonna keep an eye on this topic ^^
18 Avril 2008
1 346
2 484
Hi girls
My english is going poorer every day... I miss school only for my english lessons...
And even if I write 90% of my mails in english at work, when the phone rings and it's a person abroad, I am completely lost, searching my words. :erf: it's very sad.
28 Décembre 2009
1 104
Well I don't think that school is the only way to learn english. I've got a friend who has been living in the USA for almost his all life and trying to speak like him is the bestest way for me to learn. I also watch movies and shows in english and that's actually the coolest (and efficient) way to learn as well:rockon: Even if i sometimes miss my english though.

EDIT : Sorry I don't really pay attention to my spelling so I (may) have done some mistakes! :rotate:
28 Février 2011
3 168
2 093
1 674
juulietta;2364687 a dit :
Well I don't think that school is the only way to learn english. I've got a friend who has been living in the USA for almost his all life and trying to speak like him is the bestest way for me to learn. I also watch movies and shows in english and that's actually the coolest (and efficient) way to learn as well:rockon: Even if i sometimes miss my english though.

EDIT : Sorry I don't really pay attention to my spelling so I (may) have done some mistakes! :rotate:

I agree with you. I've learned more with Criminal Mind and Ally Macbeal in English with english subtitles than with my english teacher last year. I learned vocabulary and some really used sentences and it helps to be used to some grammatical points. However, we need some grammatical bases at the begining that movies can't give.
6 Février 2010
1 204
I would really love to improve my english by finding english or americans friends (anyone who's native language is english in fact), but I don't know how to do. I don't know where to find them, and I'm so shy anyway.
I guess that's the kind of friends you find without looking for them, right ?
1 Janvier 2009
14 953
8 475
8 524
I know, I absolutely know how to spell "necklace", but no matter how hard I try, I always start to write it "neckless". There's some subconscious shit going on here !:yawn:
7 Octobre 2007
1 814
3 124
Yana;2372056 a dit :
I know, I absolutely know how to spell "necklace", but no matter how hard I try, I always start to write it "neckless". There's some subconscious shit going on here !:yawn:

Well let's see, with a necklace, people see less of your neck! So I think we should change the writing of this word! Who's voluteer to send a request to Obama, Elizabeth and all other countries in the world??? :d
23 Juin 2011
1 759
1 059
1 174
Béré;2366204 a dit :
I would really love to improve my english by finding english or americans friends (anyone who's native language is english in fact), but I don't know how to do. I don't know where to find them, and I'm so shy anyway.
I guess that's the kind of friends you find without looking for them, right ?

Google is your friend! You'll find literally tonnes of websites where you can find penpals and exchange friends. I use Interpals, which I find pretty good as you can decide whether you want to find someone who lives nearby and with whom you can meet, or you can just stick to the Internet, through Skype or MSN, or even simply emails and letters.

Yana;2372056 a dit :
I know, I absolutely know how to spell "necklace", but no matter how hard I try, I always start to write it "neckless". There's some subconscious shit going on here !

Omg, I do that all the time! Whether it's in English or in French, it's like my brain just doesn't want to acknowledge the existence of spelling? I wrote "anfin" instead of "enfin" yesterday, and I keep writing crap like that. I even started to spell "selling" instead of "Céline" (wtf?!) before realising that it was definitely not the right word at all!
7 Décembre 2008
1 085
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4 974
Because I've been studying english for three years now, I regularly meet some difficulties to write correctly in french. I've always be very good at spelling, but now, I always have doubts with some words: whether I should write them with two "n" or not, I keep being confused with the english spelling... "annoncer" for exemple.

Well, I don't know if there are a lot of Mad coming here but I would be glad to chat in english with any of them :fleur: : I'm going to a theater school next year and I won't practice english as much as I did, and I will loose all what I gained with a lot of efforts.
I'm going to continue my english readings but I know that it won't be enough. :sad:
Béré;2366204 a dit :
I would really love to improve my english by finding english or americans friends (anyone who's native language is english in fact), but I don't know how to do. I don't know where to find them, and I'm so shy anyway.
I guess that's the kind of friends you find without looking for them, right ?
Hey ! :hello:
It's just a suggestion, but you can go to any university international office and give them your contact (name, email, FB...). International students coming for exchange programs are usually very interested in having French Conversation with French people. So, you can first make contacts with them and then alternate French sessions and English sessions so you can both practice. ;)

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