MadmoiZelle speaks English

23 Juin 2011
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Velikanova;2380257 a dit :
Because I've been studying english for three years now, I regularly meet some difficulties to write correctly in french. I've always be very good at spelling, but now, I always have doubts with some words: whether I should write them with two "n" or not, I keep being confused with the english spelling... "annoncer" for exemple.

Well, I don't know if there are a lot of Mad coming here but I would be glad to chat in english with any of them :fleur: : I'm going to a theater school next year and I won't practice english as much as I did, and I will loose all what I gained with a lot of efforts.
I'm going to continue my english readings but I know that it won't be enough. :sad:

I'm sure you will always find other Madz ready to help you practice! Reading helps a lot, I find, and even though you improvement isn't always easily quantified, you'll see that, after a while, you have indeed got better at it, and your reading will go more smoothly.

Watching TV series, with our without subtitles also helps, not to mention the fact that you get to get rid of the horrid French dubbed voices when you go for the original. I talk to myself a lot, it sounds silly, but a lot of my friends have said it worked, and I can only agree with them.

If you look at my previous message, you'll see the address for the Interpals website, which can help you find people who'd be happy to practice English with you.
21 Juillet 2011
In my case, watching tv shows helped a lot! I watch them with subtitles. It's a good way to improve your accent and pronounciation.

Oh I also use Interpals! I've been using it for a few years and it's, indeed, a great website. It became an addiction. I sometimes get bored of it but always come back. I found a few great friends, mostly americans, and everyday I learn something new from their loooooong messages. I really love it.

When I'll be done with school, I hope to spend one year in the US. I'd like to find some small jobs there and experience the "american way of life" :P. I also think it's the best way to definitly get fluent in english.
7 Décembre 2008
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Ithurielle;2392520 a dit :
I'm sure you will always find other Madz ready to help you practice! Reading helps a lot, I find, and even though you improvement isn't always easily quantified, you'll see that, after a while, you have indeed got better at it, and your reading will go more smoothly.

Watching TV series, with our without subtitles also helps, not to mention the fact that you get to get rid of the horrid French dubbed voices when you go for the original. I talk to myself a lot, it sounds silly, but a lot of my friends have said it worked, and I can only agree with them.

If you look at my previous message, you'll see the address for the Interpals website, which can help you find people who'd be happy to practice English with you.

I'll try Interpals!
I'm more concerned about losing my accent and my level in a chat with a english speaker. As for the reading, I have been used to read huges litterary novels so now I can read them (obviously less easily than in french) without difficulties, I mean, without thinking that I'm reading in another tongue. I'm currently reading Mrs Dalloway by the way :)
I talk to myself too :cretin: , especially when I take a shower (I don't know why but my bathroom is the place where I have the most intensive intellectual activities... :shifty:)

Because english is everywhere, I think about internet, I feel that this language opens me thousands doors! When I began to master it (well, at least, speaking it fluently), I had the sensation that I could acess any information available online.
28 Juillet 2011
I agree with the ones who said that watching Tv shows helped a lot. I'm not a teacher or anything but I can tell from my personal experience that listening people speaking english is really important and useful. I learned more this way than I ever did during my schooling. Anyway, I'm so glad I found this topic, during summertime I don't get to practice my english and I really miss it !
My dear kittens, I must admit I need your help on something. I've got a traduction from English to French to complete, and I'm stuck on this sentence :

In the latest incarnation of the familiar trans-atlantic values standoff, the US tabloid press had a field day with the promiscuous reputation of the man [...]

I can't even get the whole thing ahah. If you need the context, it's an article about Strauss-Khan's accusations.
Be kind ! :d
27 Mai 2008
2 254
Tracy Jacks > if it can be of any help, "to have a field day" can be translated by "s'en donner à coeur joie".
and here is an attempt to translate this weird sentance!

Dans la toute derniere incarnation de l'habituel fossé culturel transatlantique, la presse à scandale américaine s'en est donnée à coeur joie avec la reputation sulfureuse de l'homme..

.. it doesn't sound right, but perhaps it will give you some ideas!
Pukhet;2455805 a dit :
I can try to help you :lunette:
Allow me a few minutes to check the article and I'll see if I can translate it !

So, @Tracy Jacks, here is what I've undertsood about this quote from the article from the N.YTimes you've shown me :
"Dans la plus récente incarnation des valeurs sans issue/vaines trans-atlantiques, la presse tabloïd/tapageuse des Etats-Unis eut à faire sur le terrain avec la réputation des moeurs légères de cet homme, qui, jusqu'à il ya moins d'un mois, était le favori pour les Présidentielles françaises, blablabla."

starbucks-lady;2455872 a dit :
Tracy Jacks > if it can be of any help, "to have a field day" can be translated by "s'en donner à coeur joie".
and here is an attempt to translate this weird sentance!

Dans la toute derniere incarnation de l'habituel fossé culturel transatlantique, la presse à scandale américaine s'en est donnée à coeur joie avec la reputation sulfureuse de l'homme..

.. it doesn't sound right, but perhaps it will give you some ideas!

Cheers, both of you have been very helpful :jv:
19 Février 2011
3 064
this topic is a great idea! i'D Like to improve my english so if anyone has at least an advanced level in english would like to talk with me on msn for example i'd be glad :)
24 Juillet 2010
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Hey :) First time for me here. Please forgive me for all my futur mistakes, my english level is quite bad compared to yours. I often go on omegle (it's a website where you can speak with strangers if you didn't know) to improve my english.. Even if there are almost only pervers and psycho over there :shifty: I am able to understand a vlog on youtube for example but when I watch english or american channels on TV it's quite complicated for me. There are A LOT of words that I don't understand. I also try to watch movies in english as often as possible but when I am to much tired or I just want to relax I only appreciate movies in french.
25 Avril 2011
Somewhere I think you write quite well actually, doesn't sound weird or anything :) And watching movies in english are definitely a good way to learn. I remember watching Spy Kids a hundred times when i was younger, at first I couldn't understand a thing, haha :)

Maybe you could watch them with English subtitles because I know sometimes it can be hard to understand what they say ( and some accents in particular, yeah Irish, i'm talking abt you lol ), but when you actually see the words you understand better. :shifty:

I totally agree abt Omegle, most of them are just weirdos really, but they're the funnier, innit ?^^

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