MadmoiZelle speaks English

17 Avril 2009
4 794
Hi Folks! I just came back from Dublin where I was for 3 weeks to improve my english. (too bad, i spent the most part of my time with french guys because my host family was not very friendly...). So, I am here to practise english and to get to know you, so please don't hesitate to correcte me when I make mistakes!


Hey girls! How are you today? It is SO HOT today, isn't it? I don't like this weather at all, I can't do anything without sweating haha.

Have a nice day!


PS : Omegle is such a great website haha I didn't know it!
I think it's a good way to make progress in English, but some people are so strange =/
Sorry for being annoying but I need you once more, on the very same translation haha.
How would you translate "an attempt by Mr Strauss Khan to force himself on her" ? I was copying the final version of my work, and my "une tentative de M.Strauss Khan de s'imposer à elle" sounds sooooo wrong !
23 Mai 2011
1 712
1 243
4 964
Hi girls, I just discovered this topic, and I love this idea :)

ambr3;2488966 a dit :
Hey girls! How are you today? It is SO HOT today, isn't it? I don't like this weather at all, I can't do anything without sweating haha.

Have a nice day!

You are so lucky to have an hot weather !
Here I can't stand to see clouds in the sky anymore. We're having a bad summer, and I'm sure the weather will be awesome in september, when we will have to go back to work - -'

(Don't hesitate to correct me if I make mistakes)


Laetitia;2489475 a dit :
Hi girls, I just discovered this topic, and I love this idea :)

You are so lucky to have an hot weather !
Here I can't stand to see clouds in the sky anymore. We're having a bad summer, and I'm sure the weather will be awesome in september, when we will have to go back to work - -'

(Don't hesitate to correct me if I make mistakes)

As I work, I would have prefer to have a less hot summer. That's horrible to work in such hard conditions... But I have to admit that the weather was really bad until those days. I like warmth, but only when I'm on vacations, when I have nothing to do except going to the swimming pool or to the beach haha.
Van Damsel;2489588 a dit :
[réponse en français car pour les explications c'est mieux] Dans la mesure où on parle de viol (du moins tentative), il faut pas faire dans la demie-mesure et aller droit au but.
Du coup je dirai "Une tentative de M. Strauss-Khan pour avoir forcé (reprendre le nom de la victime si cité) de coucher avec lui."
Ou alors, "prendre le dessus sur elle". Ça me semble plus approprié.

Alors oui, j'extrapole mais là, je vois pas comment faire autrement. (Il m'aurait fallu la phrase entière avec son contexte pour t'aider davantage). Mais parfois, il faut faire abstraction du sens premier du mot et user (et abuser) de paraphrases et autres figures de style.

Je prends ta première proposition, en effet j'avais peur d'extrapoler mais c'est tellement plus naturel. Merci mille fois !
3 Juillet 2009
2 242
1 201
3 364
Hello :hello: Erm, i know about this topic since kinda a long time but i"ve never posted on here because it just seems so weird (i mean, i'm used to come and write shitty posts in french :shifty:) and i feel like my English wasn't good enough but finally, why not ? But the thing is, i saw some Madz are here to improve their English, i'm not in that case, so, i still can come on here, right ? (i must sound stupid but whatever :cretin:).

As some girls talked about the weather, am i the only one waiting for the winter ?? :shifty: I really hate sun, beach and heat, i don't think i'm built for hot weather actually. I just wish it would rain, that'd be fabulous :pray:
Van Damsel : Yep, on nous a donné quelques traductions, mais c'est vraiment celle là qui m'a posé des problèmes.

Glen Coco : I must be in the same situation as you, but I personally use this topic to improve my writing in another language, which is slightly different. It was also the place where I felt free to shout my love for my former english teacher, it's gonna miss me this year :cretin:
23 Mai 2011
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Glen Coco;2489616 a dit :
As some girls talked about the weather, am i the only one waiting for the winter ?? :shifty: I really hate sun, beach and heat, i don't think i'm built for hot weather actually. I just wish it would rain, that'd be fabulous :pray:

For my summer job I have to spend all the mornning outside, so that's why I prefer when it's not rainning :)
25 Avril 2011
Glen Coco;2489616 a dit :
As some girls talked about the weather, am i the only one waiting for the winter ?? :shifty: I really hate sun, beach and heat, i don't think i'm built for hot weather actually. I just wish it would rain, that'd be fabulous :pray:

I know right ?! It's so hot right now, we can't even go out, how is that "enjoying your summer" ? :facepalm:
But yeah, don't worry I'll come back and complain about winter as well lol :cretin:
3 Juillet 2009
2 242
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Van Damsel Thanks :) Oh yeah i always make that mistake, thanks for correcting me !

Tracy Jacks Haha, i've never loved any of my English teachers... The last one were just a complete and utter cunt, i really couldn't stand him but he used to love me because my English was good and everything. But the courses were really bad and he got side-track soooo easily... I hope i'll get a good teacher this year !

Edit :
Laetitia;2489781 a dit :
For my summer job I have to spend all the mornning outside, so that's why I prefer when it's not rainning :)
Yeah, i understand, of course :) But don't you wish it was a bit cooler ?
Lenn;2489802 a dit :
I know right ?! It's so hot right now, we can't even go out, how is that "enjoying your summer" ? :facepalm:
But yeah, don't worry I'll come back and complain about winter as well lol :cretin:
I couldn't agree more, haha ! We complain because it's too hot and then, we complain because it's too cold :d But i gotta say, i prefer winter cause you know, you can always wear jumpers, tights, boots, scarf, etc... But when it's too hot, what are you supposed to do ? Go down the street naked ?? :cretin: Hot weather's definitely not my cup of tea.

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