MadmoiZelle speaks English

1 Novembre 2005
4 369
4 901
5 194
The Auld Alliance is in the Marais, rue François Miron. That's where my classmates and I go for a well earned post-linguistics drink.
3 Juillet 2009
2 242
1 201
3 364
Laetitia;2490125 a dit :
Actually, where I live the warmth isn't a big problem. We're far from the 40°C that everybody is talking about :)

Where do you live ? Well, i'm in Paris at the moment, and it's about 25° i think but way too hot for me ! Seriously, I think i'm gonna move to Sweden :cretin: It's never hot there, that's perfect for me !

Lenn;2490159 a dit :
Haha that's what I always say to my mom ! There's always a way to be warm in winter ( and that does not always involve clothes :winky: ... :shifty: )

:cretin: Now I'd like to see that ! :cretin:!

Oh yeah :winky: That's why winter's definitely the best season ! How can you look sexy when you're all sweat just because you get out of your house in the middle of the day :facepalm:
I gotta admit, in summer, i stay naked when in my house :shifty: Please tell me i'm not the only one ? :yawn:


SuzeDream;2492093 a dit :
You are so lucky ! I forgot a word as you say !

Haha no problem. There were some thunderstorm yesterday, I think temperature has reduced! Yahou!
20 Juillet 2010
1 484
3 964
Today in English's class i was so ridiculous when my teacher ask me to speak english after 2 month of Holiday ! :shifty:
I'm in First , but i'm not sure that i speak a really good english and in my class there are two girls who are American from LA and English :erf: So , it's not easier to speak , i have scared by her :stressed:

Sorry for the bad english and faulses but i wanted to try speak english and it's not really good ! :facepalm:
21 Février 2007
1 243
3 224
Well, it's always hard to speak a language you don't know well, because you might feel ashamed. But you shouldn't be, and instead, try to talk as much as you can - with native people, if possible ! That way, you'll improve really fast :)
28 Août 2006
2 368
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Ballerina a dit :
Today in English's class i was so ridiculous when my teacher ask me to speak english after 2 month of Holiday ! :shifty:
I'm in First , but i'm not sure that i speak a really good english and in my class there are two girls who are American from LA and English :erf: So , it's not easier to speak , i have scared by her :stressed:

Sorry for the bad english and faulses but i wanted to try speak english and it's not really good ! :facepalm:
I'm not really sure but I'm going to (try to ?) correct your sentences.
"when my teacher ask me to speak english", it's "my teacher asked me to speak english".

When you say "It's not easier to speak", you should write only "easy" no ? (Don't hesitate to correct me if I say something wrong x) ) Because, to my mind, "easier" is right when you compare two things like "I love mathematics, I think it's easier than geography", you must only use "easier" with "than".

"and faulses", you should use "mistakes" !

When I wrote my cover letter to apply for an interniship in a Art gallery, I said that I have a good knowledge in english (I made the mistake to say "maitrise courante") whereas I just know a basic vocabulary and I make so many mistakes so I'm afraid of the recruitement interview even if I don't think they are going to speak to me in english... We never know!
20 Janvier 2009
2 327
1 414
5 244
Erin.;2515176 a dit :
I'm not really sure but I'm going to (try to ?) correct your sentences.
"when my teacher ask me to speak english", it's "my teacher asked me to speak english".

When you say "It's not easier to speak", you should write only "easy" no ? (Don't hesitate to correct me if I say something wrong x) ) Because, to my mind, "easier" is right when you compare two things like "I love mathematics, I think it's easier than geography", you must only use "easier" with "than".

"and faulses", you should use "mistakes" !

When I wrote my cover letter to apply for an interniship in a Art gallery, I said that I have a good knowledge in english (I made the mistake to say "maitrise courante") whereas I just know a basic vocabulary and I make so many mistakes so I'm afraid of the recruitement interview even if I don't think they are going to speak to me in english... We never know!

Of course you can write that you have "a good knowledge in english" on ur cover letter! Your english is good, there's no doubt about it :top:
28 Août 2006
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Alecto;2520599 a dit :
And sorry but the mistake's important, never "will" after "when" :)
I didn't know that ! And when you want to say "quand je serai contente" how do you translate this sentence ? :shifty:
28 Août 2006
2 368
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Ah ok, ça me semble logique en fait. Et c'est comme ça que j'aurais construit ma phrase instinctivement ! Merci !
25 Avril 2011
Last year I passed the TOEIC, and I remember thinking that the questions were definitely not what I was expecting. I thought we'd be asked grammatical things, but really most of the questions were about everyday life, things you can't really know unless you've lived in an english speaking country ( ok I may be exagerating here :) and yeah I didn't know anything abt the TOEIC before that :cretin:).
For example I remember there were quite a lot of questions about architecture, talking about blue prints and things like that. Luckily I had just watched a movie about architecture so I knew what they were talking about but most of my classmates were lost.

So yeah, random thinking :)
28 Août 2006
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I think your translation is good but I'm not sure.
Translators are the devil :shifty: (I don't know if english people use this expression...)
3 Juillet 2009
2 242
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3 364
I swear the best way to learn english is to watch all the Carl Barât's interview, this man doesn't speak, he mumbles all the time ! Once you're able to understand everything he says then, you can understand everyone else :cretin:

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