MadmoiZelle speaks English

28 Février 2011
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Ithurielle;2559647 a dit :
(Do tell if you don't want to be corrected in the future!)

- "Reading your post": no need for "at" in this sentence
- "Sexiest", the Y becomes an I in most cases (if not all) of adjectives being turned into superlatives
- "Heartbeat" sounds better than "cardiac rythm" :P
- "I've ever had", otherwise it literally means you've never had it
- "Interesting" and "interested" (intéressé, really?)

Is he married by any chance? Else you could just ask him on a date :chat:

No problem, i'm happy to be corrected.

Yes "interessed" because he always listens at our answers about any subject, he's happy to change his correction if we do any contestation of his point of mind. When we have a conversation in class, he always chooses a subject that he will love to know what we think about. When we saw him yesterday, he asked me about my travel of this summer, he remembered I was travelling in Europe because when I spoke about that in class, he asked me about it.
Most teachers always speak about the same subjects in class and don't care about what students think of it as they already have a point of view (and as those subjects are not good enougth to have a conversation where every one would not have the same point of view). Those teachers listen your answer and correct you about the language. My teacher is not like that. He listen our answer, and then, asks us to explain some point because this is not his point of view and he want to understand it.

Well, this is my interpretation, but he really seems to care about what we think and to considere us as adults.

And yes he is married, or at least have a ring.
25 Avril 2011
Speaking of accents, I remember having a hard time to understand the movie " Braveheart " ( which is totally awesome by the way <3 ), the Scottish accent was hell for me really, and I spent half of the movie asking my sister " What did he say again??" :yawn:

And I think Irish accent can be sexy as well ( aaand yes, I'm talking about John Rhys Meyers :jv: , he can speak to me anytime :cretin: )

See ya :hello:
23 Juin 2011
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Caliodë;2560857 a dit :
No problem, i'm happy to be corrected.

Yes "interessed" because he always listens at our answers about any subject, he's happy to change his correction if we do any contestation of his point of mind. When we have a conversation in class, he always chooses a subject that he will love to know what we think about. When we saw him yesterday, he asked me about my travel of this summer, he remembered I was travelling in Europe because when I spoke about that in class, he asked me about it.
Most teachers always speak about the same subjects in class and don't care about what students think of it as they already have a point of view (and as those subjects are not good enougth to have a conversation where every one would not have the same point of view). Those teachers listen your answer and correct you about the language. My teacher is not like that. He listen our answer, and then, asks us to explain some point because this is not his point of view and he want to understand it.

Well, this is my interpretation, but he really seems to care about what we think and to considere us as adults.

And yes he is married, or at least have a ring.

It's "interested", "interessed" does not exist ;).

- "listen to our answers"
- "if we contest" works better as it's less convoluted
- "his point of view" (you used it correctly later in your paragraph!)

Sounds like a great teacher, to be fair, and when you get to a good enough level of English to have discussions, it's definitely how you should try to improve!
23 Juin 2011
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Bill's girlfriend;2560750 a dit :
Alright @Ithurielle, I'm going to try your test, listen to every single video and see If I succeed. ( but I'll probably hardly ever succeed haha).

I'll edit my message when I'm done with the videos ^^

Edit ; Wow I'm surprised of myself ! I had no problem understanding all of them, with the exception of the Manchurian (that was something :oo:). I had a little bit of trouble trying to fully understand what he was saying. And even tho I got 80%... 20% was still messing.

(btw that 20% sounded just gibberish to my ears lol)

Good going! It's Mancunian, though, Manchuria is in China/Russia, not in the UK :P. In the Scouse video, I find they picked people speaking nice and clearly, 'cause in real life, they're a nightmare to understand, worse than Sir Alex Ferguson (the Mancunian)! But yeah, if you can understand those accents on a daily basis, you should be ok with pretty much everyone. Except maybe Indian people, they can get really difficult to understand!
3 Juillet 2009
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Bill's girlfriend;2560523 a dit :
It's so true haha. But that's part of his charm I guess ^^
(Also I do understand him, does this mean I'm able to understand any english speaker ? Oh god, I just aced the Barât Test... I feel so proud 8))

Haha ! Of course it's part of his charm but it's so annoying sometimes ! And he is sooo sexy in that video, i miss his long hair :sad: Anyway, a girl i know talked to Carl on the phone and she said he talks like a chav :sick: That's funny, he's quite understandable in that vid but i'll keep on watching his interviews because Carl is pretty rad ;)
17 Avril 2009
4 794
Hey guys! Sorry to bother with boring stuff but I have some work to do in English and I have some difficulties to translate few sentences. I understand them but it's hard to write real "good" French without being too influenced by the English words.

" The attacks of September 11 were many things."

" The power of the USA was real and immense, and what it did was truly global in reach and consequence."

Thank your for your help :)
3 Juillet 2009
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Bill's girlfriend;2562658 a dit :
Noooooo, why does she have to destroy the dream ! :crying: I really hope it's not true, that's just so unsexy. (I absolutely can't stand chavs)

But who can stand them ?! She talked to him several times so i guess it's true :sad: And yes, it is so unsexy but i didn't really surprise me actually, idk why but Carl can't talk, it's not that hard to articulate correctly and everything, is it ?? But my favorite libertines' always been Peter :jv: Even if Carl is really really sexy, Peter's so lovely i wanna cuddle him and make him a cuppa tea and listen to him reading poems, i just fucking love him <3
25 Avril 2011
My english friends told me that I had an American accent ( surely because I watch a LOT of american series lol :cretin: ), but if I watch an English movie for example, I'll just copy their accent ( last time was with the Misfits series, I started talking like Kelly, then I KNEW I had to stop watching this :lol: )

Basically I'm a parrot :yawn:
17 Avril 2009
4 794
Van Damsel;2564030 a dit :
" The attacks of September 11 were many things." = Les attaques du 11 septembre n'étaient pas anodines. / Les attaques du 11 septembre représentaient beaucoup de choses (sous-entendu aux yeux de ...)

"The power of the USA was real and immense, and what it did was truly global in reach and consequence."
Je voudrais une précision : le "it" dans "what it did", ça se rapporte au "power" ou autre chose ?

Si c'est "power", je dirais donc "le pouvoir des États-Unis était vrai et immense et ce qu'il a fait (?) a eu des conséquences mondiales.

Merci pour ta réponse!
Pour la première phrase, j'aime beaucoup l'idée de traduire par "anodines" (it sounds more French) mais le problème c'est que la phrase suivante commence par " Among the most important,...", donc j'ai un peu du mal à continuer après. Ton autre proposition est celle pour laquelle j'avais opté mais je trouve que c'est pas du très bon français (ça semble pas trop naturel).
Pour la seconde phrase, j'ai rencontré le même problème que toi... Je ne sais pas trop si ça se réfère à The USA ou à "power".
17 Avril 2009
4 794
Now real, immense forces were in play, for the power of the United Stats was real and immense, and what it did was truly global in reach and consequence. In his address to Congress nine days after the attack, George W. Bush expanded the "war of terror to states, declaring, "From this day forward, any nation that continues to harbor or support terrorism will be regarded by the United Stats as hostile regime."


Glen Coco;2562271 a dit :
Anyway, a girl i know talked to Carl on the phone and she said he talks like a chav

Well I'd say he's just the mumbling champion of world, but what does being a mumbler have to do with chavish talking? I don't really get it. :eh:
10 Décembre 2008
1 624
Sood;2564412 a dit :
Now real, immense forces were in play, for the power of the United Stats was real and immense, and what it did was truly global in reach and consequence. In his address to Congress nine days after the attack, George W. Bush expanded the "war of terror to states, declaring, "From this day forward, any nation that continues to harbor or support terrorism will be regarded by the United Stats as hostile regime."

Est ce qu'il y aurait une phrase avant par hasard?

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