MadmoiZelle speaks English

I've decided to be the best in English this year too, even if the level is way higher in prépa than in my (former :cretin:) highschool. That's my challenge. I could even stop sleeping if I need this to succeed.

I already think of the summer jobs I could apply for. It's pretty ambitious but I think I'll look for big music companies based around London, where I could get a free room for a month. Who knows, maybe they'll say yes for a course. Can you imagine that ? Wow, it would be so great if I could have, like, "EMI" on my curriculum vitae :o
PS : just told this to my father, as a good absolute fan, he's gonna give me the adress I need to get in touch with Paul McCartney's studio. I could thank God, or whatever decided that my dad had to be a badass fan, a million times.

(I'm getting seriously excited and optimist about this)
23 Janvier 2008
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Alecto;2520599 a dit :
And sorry but the mistake's important, never "will" after "when" :)

I have a question.. :shifty: Que faut il dire à la place de "It will be very helpful next year, when I'll be in London." ?
20 Février 2008
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5 154
I was wondering if it was better to say "If I have my baccalaureate and my exams" or "If i pass my baccalaureat and my exams" :shifty:
Tracy Jacks;2138579 a dit :
All those people, being silent and listening to me. My english teacher even told me it was extremly interesting and told me he had learned something at the end of the hour. Considering the fact that this man is a god to me...

Tracy Jacks;2489668 a dit :
I must be in the same situation as you, but I personally use this topic to improve my writing in another language, which is slightly different. It was also the place where I felt free to shout my love for my former english teacher, it's gonna miss me this year :cretin:

:Pom: WE KISSED !!! :Pom:

Ce contenu est réservé aux membres Inscris-toi par ici.

'Cause actually, @Caliodë and I went to our former highschool this afternoon, we spied on him while he was still doing his work with any random group of students. Seeing him was such a surprising experience, as if we had forgotten how gorgeous he was, it was like a tornado of sex appeal rushing right on us.
I must admit we were pretty good at pretending nothing was happening in our ovaries while we were chatting with him, like good old friends,... and him, sitting on his delicious little arse, giving us this blue lagoon look which makes you feel you're someone special, sayin' "Awww, what a nice surprise :d", gaaaah, I'm dyin'.
I'm so glad I've seen him today, especially with my dear @Caliodë, who feels the way I feel.

We should definitely have babies.
23 Juin 2011
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Tracy Jacks;2558410 a dit :
:Pom: WE KISSED !!! :Pom:

Ce contenu est réservé aux membres Inscris-toi par ici.

'Cause actually, @Caliodë and I went to our former highschool this afternoon, we spied on him while he was still doing his work with any random group of students. Seeing him was such a surprising experience, as if we had forgotten how gorgeous he was, it was like a tornado of sex appeal rushing right on us.
I must admit we were pretty good at pretending nothing was happening in our ovaries while we were chatting with him, like good old friends,... and him, sitting on his delicious little arse, giving us this blue lagoon look which makes you feel you're someone special, sayin' "Awww, what a nice surprise :d", gaaaah, I'm dyin'.
I'm so glad I've seen him today, especially with my dear @Caliodë, who feels the way I feel.

We should definitely have babies.

You cwazy, girl.

Got back to Manchester a couple of days ago, so to be back home after 3 weeks in India. I don't think I'd ever been this happy to be able to wear a gazillion layers because of the cold. My house is complete as my two flatmates are back as well, and it's going brilliantly. We went shopping in Sainsbury's yesterday with one of my flatmates, decided not to spend more than £40 each, and the total came to £81. Like a boss. Now I'm sorting bits and bobs of my life before going back to uni, Freshers' Week is next week, and it could potentially be my last one :sad:. Other than that, I'm gonna be assigned a supervisor for my dissertation, and I should probably go do some work at some point, but right now, it's hummus time!
28 Février 2011
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Tracy Jacks;2558410 a dit :
:Pom: WE KISSED !!! :Pom:

Ce contenu est réservé aux membres Inscris-toi par ici.

'Cause actually, @Caliodë and I went to our former highschool this afternoon, we spied on him while he was still doing his work with any random group of students. Seeing him was such a surprising experience, as if we had forgotten how gorgeous he was, it was like a tornado of sex appeal rushing right on us.
I must admit we were pretty good at pretending nothing was happening in our ovaries while we were chatting with him, like good old friends,... and him, sitting on his delicious little arse, giving us this blue lagoon look which makes you feel you're someone special, sayin' "Awww, what a nice surprise :d", gaaaah, I'm dyin'.
I'm so glad I've seen him today, especially with my dear @Caliodë, who feels the way I feel.

We should definitely have babies.

Reading at you post was like living this again... Just the sexyest (sexiest ?) english teacher of... well, the world. And he's not only a guy who makes my cardiac rythm go up, he's also one of the best teacher I've never had and a very interessant and interessed man.
@Tracy Jacks, I love you so much... :cretin:
23 Juin 2011
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Caliodë;2559128 a dit :
Reading at you post was like living this again... Just the sexyest (sexiest ?) english teacher of... well, the world. And he's not only a guy who makes my cardiac rythm go up, he's also one of the best teacher I've never had and a very interessant and interessed man.
@Tracy Jacks, I love you so much... :cretin:

(Do tell if you don't want to be corrected in the future!)

- "Reading your post": no need for "at" in this sentence
- "Sexiest", the Y becomes an I in most cases (if not all) of adjectives being turned into superlatives
- "Heartbeat" sounds better than "cardiac rythm" :P
- "I've ever had", otherwise it literally means you've never had it
- "Interesting" and "interested" (intéressé, really?)

Is he married by any chance? Else you could just ask him on a date :chat:
Bill's girlfriend;2560497 a dit :
I really couldn't speak the language at all, and couldn't understanding it as well.
I literally learned all the English I know simply by watching American/British tv shows on the Internet. I started 4 years ago, and now I don't need subtitles to watch anything in english. Even tho I can speak and understand it now, I know it's not good enough... I need to take classes. And I will, probably in 2012, hopefully.

It's already a lot :d !

Ithurielle;2559647 a dit :
Is he married by any chance? Else you could just ask him on a date :chat:

Thing is there were gossips about him... Many said he was married to another to teacher, but I never checked his finger to see if someone put a ring on it (wohohoooo ♪)
But you never can tell what's gonna happen next. I still believe I have a chance :cretin:
23 Juin 2011
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Bill's girlfriend;2560523 a dit :
Thanks sweetie :)

It's so true haha. But that's part of his charm I guess ^^
(Also I do understand him, does this mean I'm able to understand any english speaker ? Oh god, I just aced the Barât Test... I feel so proud 8))

If by English speaker you exclude Liverpudlians, Scots and Irish, maybe :P


Mancunian (Manchester):

Northern Irish (Norn Iron):

Scouse (Liverpool):



Best accent is Welsh one. My word. Nothing will ever beat it. Even not a good old rolled-rs-y Scottish accent. :cretin:


By the way, do you girls know the Svengali web series? It's really brilliant. And yesterday I eagerly found out that it's available to watch on the Arte website. Check it out, if you like indie culture, it's about a Welsh smalltown clumsy mod rockstar wannabe hitting by London... Starring Alan McGee, the very Carl Barât, etc... :winky:

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